Chapter 3 - School....ugh...

Beginne am Anfang

I heard a door being opened and bunch of giggles.


I heard what seemed to be metal clanking slightly. ( Leah's locker opening)

I peaked my head slightly out of the hole Leah left open, but I made aure no one could see me while I could see them clearly.

Suddenly the bag I was being held in was dropped to the ground and the sound of someone being pushed up against some kind of metal could me heard, causing he whole room to become silent.


I was forcefully pushed up against the lockers, so I quickly dropped my bag to the ground to make sure Naruto wouldn't get hurt by the lockers.

"Hey little nerd." I heard Maya sneer at me whilst glaring with hate clear in her eyes.

Maya is one of my many bullies at this school. She has long black hair and bright blue eyes. She wasn't the prettiest girl in the school but everyone seemed to love her and followed her. She was mean, rude and snotty to everyone even the people she called 'friends'. None of her 'friends' actually liked her, they were just afraid that she would hurt them.

I was the only one in the entire school to stand up to Maya, which caused her to bully and sometimes beat me.

"Hey little nerd, where's my homework?" Maya growled out at me continuing her glare.

My eyes widen slightly.

'Oh crap... I was so busy with the kittens that I forgot to do Maya's homework for her. She's gonna hurt me...'

I looked anywhere but her eyes while stuttering out, "I-I'm s-s-sorry, M-M-Ma-Maya. I-I for-forgot to do it."

Her glare intensifed whilst growling, "What was that you bitch?" Her voice seemed to get louder with each word, "You forgot!? I gave you a simple order and you forgot to do it!?"

"You-" she punched me hard in the face, "bitch!"

She punched in the gut twice before going back to my face with three punches.

She dropped me to the ground, spitting next to where I lay muttering, "Next time don't forget, whore."

She walked briskly all her 'friends' running forward to catch up with their 'Queen'.

I grabbed my bag, taking out a small mirror. I noticed my nose was bleeding, probably broken, I had a busted lip, blood also running down my chin from that, and a black eye.

My stomach was hurting badly, she probably left a bruise.

I felt something lick my index finger. I placed my mirror back in my bag before looking down at Naruto with pain in my green eyes.

In Naruto's sky blue eyes was complete sadness and he meowed quite sadly.

I forces a small smile while mumbling, "Hey, Naruto. I'm gonna change you back then you can bring me to the nurse, okay?"

Naruto nodded before I picked him and my bag up. I stood up with quite a stuggle, the pain in my stomache was unbearable.

I slowly walked towards the girls bathroom, making sure nobody was in the bathroom.

I placed Naruto on the floor before turning the sink on, cupping my hand under the water then splashed Naruto with it.

There was a poof of smoke then the poof sound and out came a naked Naruto. I turned around letting him get dressed.

"Leah? What was that all about?" Naruto asks softly.

That surprised me since Naruto is usually loud and not so serious.

I looked away from him muttering, "I-I don't know what you're talking about..."

A hand was placed on my shoulder and Naruto looked at me with concern lacing his beautiful eyes.

"Leah." He pleaded softly.

I sighed before looking towards the ground whispering, "Her-Her name is M-Maya. She-She bullies me - well everybody does actually. Hey, can you just take me to the nurse?"

He nodded slowly before slipping my bag over his shoulder and grabbing my bridal style which caused me to blush.

Naruto brought me to the nurses office where he lay me gently on one of the beds that sat in the office. He then sat down in a chair waiting for the nurse.

In walked in Frank Sander, the nurse at this school. He had shaggy, dark brown hair and soft chocolate brown eyes.

His eyes frantically made their way to me laying on a bed, looking beat up.

He quickly rushed up to me saying, "Leah! What happened to you?"

My gaze turned to a sad one which caused him to sigh and mutter, "Maya again?"

I nod slowly.

At that moment he seemed to notice Naruto sitting in one of the chairs.

"Who's he?"

Panic set in while I stuttered, "H-His name is B-Ben! He-He a friend of mine and he just moved here."

Frank, who seemed to take all the information in, nodded slowly.

"B-Ben carried me here."

"Well what did she do this time?"

"Black eye, busted lip, broken nose and I think there is a bruise on my stomache." I answered like it happened everyday - well it did almost happen everyday.

He brought me into a little room that was full of supplies, there was also a bed placed in there where he made me sit, and he patched me all up. Well...kinda...

He put makeup on my black eye to make it seem like it wasn't there, put one of those weird clear bandage things on the bridge of my nose, made it seem like my lip wasn't busted and checked out my stomache. It turns out it was just a bruise and it would go away soon.

"Thanks, Frank."

"You mean Dr. Sanders." He said seriously, then let out a loud laugh which caused you to laugh.

He patted my back saying, "You're a tough kid, Leah."

I smiled at him, walking out towards Naruto.

"Oh, and Leah? You and Ben can go home."

I smiled at him saying, "Thanks."

YO! How'd you like the chapter?

Keep in mind I wrote this on my iPod so sorry for any mistakes.

ThAnKz FoR rEaDiNg!

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