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Hi! My name is Poppy ( I'm the happy pink one you can see in the middle of my header pic ). I'm writing this book to introduce the Trolls movie characters - that is My Friends & Myself to you! :) 

So, let me start with Myself: 

I'm 20 years old, I'm very happy, kind, friendly, helpful & optimistic. I love to laugh, sing, dance & hug my friends. I love throwing Parties & I'm good at Scrapbooking! :) 

And I'm a Troll Princess!  ^_^ 👑

( I guess it's all you should know about me - If you want to know more: You can message me Anytime!  ^_^ ) 

( I'll try to answer All the Questions, Promise! 😊 

- And if you need a friend & want to talk about Anything Else - You're also free to Message Me!  ^)^ ) 

I never leave Anyone without help & will Always Do My Best to help you! :) 

#NoTrollLeftBehind !

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