Song Fic: A Thousand Years

Start from the beginning


Lowering her down slowly, eyes still not losing contact he placed on the ground. Entwined hands snaked around her waist as he pulled her close to him. Raising their hands together swiftly but gracefully she lowered hers and smiled, as his lean, long fingers trailed down her arms, as she stood still like a statue.

*Time stands still

beauty in all she is

I will be brave

I will not let anything

Take away

What's standing in front of me

Every breath,

Every hour has come to this*

She froze, and he filled the gap between her fingers with his, and twirled to stand in front of her and touched her face gently. Letting his fingers trail over her hair,her cheek, her jaw line, her lips. Tucking behind a loose strand of hair behind her ear, he arched backward and pulled something close to him, his heart. Coming back to his position he glided away from her, his move graceful, his arms out reaching towards her. A head spin later he stood a little more away from her but yet he faced her. He dropped to his knees and tried to pull her close, and landed on his chest, still looking at her. Rolling onto his back, he got up, with a powerful kick, his hands moving like a wave of air. And then he turned rigid, one hand moving a little up, like a clock's hand. Rigid yet graceful and powerful. His expression waas solemn like he was making an oath to himself.

*One Step Closer....*

A full 360 degree somersault later he stood next to her, just a step away. He took that step, closing the distance between them, and entwined his fingers with hers.

*I have died every day

waiting for you

Darlin' don't be afraid

I have loved you for a

Thousand years

I'll love you for a

Thousand more*

One step forward, one step backward, he twirled her around, once and then twice before pulling her close and with a step to the side, he leaned over her, his eyes looking into hers. Love filling each other with warmth. Swaying her sideways, using the arms wrapped securely around her waist, they stood facing each other, her arms on his shoulders and then she was in the air, lifting her and slowly turned on the spot as she arched backward mid-air her legs and arms stretched in an incomplete bow, her face uplifted towards the bits of white thermocol which poured onto them, shimmering like snow in the spotlight. Her eyes closed with a smile and his looked at her with a smile.

*And all along I believed

I would find you

Time has brought

Your heart to me

I have loved you for a

Thousand years

I'll love you for a

Thousand more*

He brought ber down and cradled her in his arms, as she wrapped herself loosely around him. He tossed her in the air, she spun gracefully and landed in his arms, secure and safe. Not a glint of fright shone in her eyes coz she trusted him so. She knew if he was around she was safe, always. Putting her back on ground they both swung their arms out into the void, one leg kicking out and their heads tilted. Landing lightly on their feet, one hand wrapped around each other's waists while the other hand held the other's hand in place, like a promise to be together forever. They circled on the spot, eyes locked and faces solemn. She loosened her grip on his waist and he pulled her close and leaned over her. She her hands around his neck and hugged him as they rose again, and the music continued like the photos behind.

They waltzed some more, just like they'd on pehla nasha. Graceful, elegant and with pride. Their poise was beautiful. They looked radiant and completely out of the world, together. Swayam let go of her hand gently, while she feigned an expression of confusion and he an naughty smirk. Gliding his hands into his pockets he retrieved a long piece of black satin. She looked utterly confused to others, but was in fact bemused, because Swayam had insisted on the step. He slid one leg at the back and like the peacock stood behind her.

*One Step Closer*

His hands gently tied the clothe over her eyes, temporarily blinding her.


He shuffled his way to a distance a little away from her, precisely the other end of the stage. Sharon stuttered a little in her walk, her arms slightly extended trying to touch Swayam.

*One Step Clooooooser*

Swayam closed his eyes and called out to her mentally. She froze for a moment. "Sharon" he called again mentally. Turning in his direction, she ran as fast as she could. Right into Swayam's waiting arms, which hoisted her into the air, just like countless times before. Swayam looked at her eyes now covered by a black satin. Lowering her down slowly, he reached behind to pull the cloth away, to see her eyes, put before he could, she snatched away the cloth and let it drop to the floor while she reached for his face.

*I have died every day

waiting for you

Darlin' don't be afraid

I have loved you for a

Thousand years

I'll love you for a

Thousand more*

She treaded lightly onto his feet, wrapping her arms around his neck, as his wrapped around her waist. Foreheads together, their noses almost touching, not breaking eye contact, he took a step forward, taking her along with him. A step back a step to side and they half twirled together. And then she arched outwards, while he leaned over her, their eyes still looking at each other. Coming back, she stepped of his feet and hugged him, while he spun on the spot, along with her. And then they slowed down.

*And all along I believed

I would find you

Time has brought

Your heart to me

I have loved you for a

Thousand years

I'll love you for a

Thousand more*

Back in waltz position, they repeated their steps. Though they repeated, it still seemed and felt as unique as ever. One step forward, one step backward, he twirled her around, once and then twice before pulling her close and with a step to the side, he leaned over her, his eyes looking into hers. Love filling each other with warmth. Swaying her sideways, using the arms wrapped securely around her waist, they stood facing each other, her arms on his shoulders and then she was in the air, lifting her and slowly turned on the spot as she arched backward mid-air her legs and arms stretched in an incomplete bow, her face faced him, their eyes never losing contact, even as the water sprinkle, doused them. She placed her arms on his shoulders and bent forward, inching her face towards him, slowly but steadily. He brought her down slowly and faces were level as he still held her mid-way. She brought her face closer, and cupped his face in between her palms. Stretching her neck a bit, her lips trembling from the cold met his forehead, which radiated heat. He closed his eyes, taking in the feel of her cold lips on his forehead. She pulled away and looked at him, her eyes soft and gentle. "I love you" she said, her voice steady, echoing the depths of her love. He placed her on the ground and twirled her once and pulled her close. Cupping her face he kissed her on her forehead. "I love you" he said, his eyes soft yet intense while something in his voice made her blush and look away. Lifting a chin up, he gazed at her, his eyes intense and hers confused at first but clear, as she looked at his. Her cheeks burned as he inched closer, and she closed her eyes in anticipation, just like he did. They inched forward till their lips were only a breath apart.

"Bravo! Bravo!" an over enthusiastic white American man clad in a tux burst out into a standing ovation just as the men on his sides did. They untangled themselves and looked sheepish yet happy at the response. Entwined hands together they took a bow and left, the background showing a picture of both of them in white, their forheads meeting as tears flowed down their cheeks and lips turned into a smile.

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