Chapter 1: Lizzy's disability

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"I'll be back in a little bit Jacob. Can you watch over Lizzy while I go pick up your mom?" My dad asked me with concern and in his voice. I shake my head yes just as Lizzy starts to crawl up to where me and my dad were and snuggles into me.

"Bubby! Bubby! Pay! Pay!" Lizzy says to me with her cute little baby voice.

As she takes my finger trying to pull me to her play room, my dad picks her up and kisses her. She blushes and reaches over to me for me to help her up. I pick her up and our dad tells us both bye, then leaves.

I'm sitting in a rocking chair with Lizzy in my arms with a warm bottle of milk. When she is finished, I start rocking her back and forth when my phone vibrates. I carefully lay her down, still rocking her in the chair as I check my phone. I missed a video chat from my girlfriend Brianna.

I put my phone back in my army pants and pick Lizzy up and put her to bed. I kiss her softly on the forehead and whisper goodnight to her. I walk out of the room and quietly close the door.

That's when I get another call from Bri, this time I awnser. I smile and whisper hi, since I'm still near Lizzy's room. She smiles and waves. Brianna is mute, so video is the only way we can talk besides when she comes over, which she is suppose to do in 25 minutes.

I start walking down the hall as I ask her if she is still coming over. She continues to smile and shakes her head yes, then signs to me asking if she can be early. I say of course and tell her my mom and dad are about to be home.

That's when I remembered. It's our 1 year anniversary! I grin and step outside. She asked me why I'm outside in her language. I smile and scream happy anniversary! Her face turns from her usual smile and naturally blushing face, to each cheek a rose red and her grin turns to a smile from ear-to-ear.

I smile and she smiles. I see my parents' headlights coming so I run inside. I tell her that she can come now, my parents just got here. She nods and I tell her bye and love her and she does the same. After we say our goodbyes, she hangs up.

I put my phone in my pocket and go to get a drink. I turn spilling a fresh cup of coffee on my mom. I apologize and give her a towel. She shoves me against the fridge and picks me up by my shirt. She starts banging me against the fridge when my dad pulls me away. He tells me to go wait outside for Bri. He then takes my mom into a room and tells me he will try to keep her contained while Bri is here. I say thanks and runs out the door, just to slip on some ice.

I fall face first into ice cold snow. When I get up, a figure is standing there. I can tell it is a girl. When I finally stand she dosent say a word, but has concern in her eyes.

And as soon as I look into those bright blue/grey eyes, I knew exacually who it was. I immediately tried to lean against a pole to try and look cool and act like nothing happened. But the pole didn't seem to like me. I had missed it and fall once again. I struggle to stand, but managed. And just stand there awkwardly.

The girl hugs me tightly and I hug right back. I say hi in a shy tone. She starts to laugh and waves hi. I tell her that I love her. Which makes her blush, but that cute blushing face changes quickly when she hears Lizzy crying and my mom and dad screaming at eachother.

When I notice she is scared to go inside. I take her hand and tell her it is ok. I walk in the house with our hands still linked together. My dad yells for me to get Lizzy and take her into my room. I tell my girlfriend to go to my room while I get Lizzy.

She does as I say with tears of worry in her eyes. As we split up I hear banging and things braking in the room, my dad had managed to trap my mom in there. I run in Lizzy's room while she is crying. I pick her up and comfort her. I try to get to my room as fast as posible, but she keeps screaming for her blankie, so I run back and grab it. She smiles and hides her face in it. I smile as I run to my room. I hit the door softly with my foot and yell through that it is me.

When Brianna opens the door, I see tears in her eyes. As I step in continuing to watch her face getting tear stained, it brakes my heart. I close the door with my foot. I walk across the room to set Lizzy in a pin that I keep in my room just for this type of situation. After Lizzy starts to play with toys that I keep in the pin, I walk over to Bri who is standing at the door. I reach behind her and lock the door. As soon as I hear the sound of it locking, I pick her up. She wraps her arms around my neck and lays her quiet but crying face against my shoulder. I whisper it will be ok in her ear as I sit her down on the bed.

I put in a kid friendly movie and sit next to Bri, who lays her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her and with my free arm I wipe her tears away. Her and me sit there watching Lizzy play, waiting for the movie to start. When Lizzy finally realizes we are in the room, she turns around and screams Beanna. She smiles and reaches for her just on time for the movie to start.

Lizzy hugs Bri and turns to the sound of Sofia's voice. Sofia the First is her favorite show. And we just happen to have the first couple of seasons. She sits quietly in Bri's lap and watches. When it ends Lizzy starts to cry. I tell her it will be ok. And skip to the intro song. Lizzy atomatically sings along to it. I video it and try to hold in my giggles.

When the house is finally quiet and Lizzy is asleep, I whisper to Brianna that in gonna take Lizzy to her crib. She nods and hands her over, careful not to wake her.

I take Lizzy into my arms and start for the door. In the doorway, I realize Brianna is following. I smile and whisper-ask her if she wants to come. She smiles and runs up to me.

When she catches up to me, her and I walk side by side and put Lizzy in her crib. I kiss Lizzy's head softly and start back to my room with Brianna.

Brianna and I sit together in my room with the door locked when I hear a knock on my door. Me and Bri go to awnser it. I can't believe I forgot.

"Sup dude. Oh and hi Brianna." My best friend Dylan says in his soft voice.

I wave at the same time as Bri and invite him in. We walk in and I hear screaming and glass breaking. Bri gets scared and grabs my arm once again.

"Get them out! Get them out of my house!" I hear a familiar drunk voice. I run both of them outside and run to the end of my drive way.

We waited there till my dad got back. He had went to go get some cigarettes. When he finally got back, I asked him to take them both back home cause mom is drunk again.

He agreed and asked if I wanted to come and I answer with a response that made Brianna upset. I calmed her and told her that it was ok and that Lizzy can't be alone with my mother.

Once she had finally understood, I had started in my way back to the house with my dad's car's taillights disappearing in the disstance.

That's when I heard screams and crying coming from in the woods. I had tried to ignore them till I recognized the screams. They were aimed at the crying victim. The crying started to sound familiar as well. Once I was close enough to recognize both sounds completely it gave me a chill I will never forget.

"Shut up! Shut up! Why won't you shut up!"

I was right. My mom was still drunk, with Lizzy. Hearing Lizzy crying will never leave my mind.

Blood started to splatter, ice started to crack. I tried to run and save her. But I couldnt, I tried with all my might but I couldn't. I was froze from the horrible sight.

Before I knew it, I felt a hand come onto my shoulder and a voice that snaped me out of it. I had suddenly, without warning ran for Lizzy with my father right behind. My dad had grabbed my mom and was thankfully stronger than her. I had pulled Lizzy out of the ice cold pond where my mom was drowning her. Lizzy was knocked out cold. I had ran as fast as I could on the ice with out falling and ran to the house. My dad kept my mom in the forest until she was sober. Once they had both came back to the house I was there with Lizzy, still trying to wake her while I was on the phone with a doctor.

Nothing was the same after that. Lizzy lost her ability to speak. I got so far away from my mom. If I even saw her, I would run. I never left Lizzy's side. And I never stayed home alone with my mom. I wouldn't let Lizzy go near her, not like she ever wanted to. I would even walk Lizzy to school every day.

Nothing was the same after that. Until she was allowed in my house.

A/N: Hay readers. Hope you liked this chapter. Sorry it was so long, and took forever to finish. I hope u like it!

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