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         I woke up in A dark room, voices going through my head saying "eat him eat him eat him". I saw a oranged haired boy, the same age as me, laying down in the floor loosing blood, a lot of blood. He looks soooo delicious I want to eat him. The next thing I new I was drooling. My Ghoul instincts said yes but my heart said no. He looked helpless and delicious. But I felt a spark in my heart. The spark of...of...

      I then woke up to the sound of my alarm going on. Since when did I put an alarm? "Uuuuugh" I turned off the Alarm and it's 6:30 "why so early?" I growled. Touka then came barging in my room. "Wake up time to work" she said as she placed a uniform at my bed. "Get dressed then I'll take care of your long hair" she said and walked back out closing the door behind her. I looked at my hair that reached all the way to my knees. It was all dirty and tangled. I looked to my right and saw a bathroom. "I guess I have to take a shower" I got my uniform and walked to the bathroom. I locked it and took of my clothing ripped dress and got turned on the water. After it was all warm and nice I went in. It was soooooo warm. It felt so nice. I think I kinda moan a little. But it was relaxing.

    After I had my shower I went to get my uniform and put it on. It looked really nice. After my hair dryed a little I went to Touka's room for my hair. I knocked. It took only a few seconds to answer. She opened the door her hair short all the way to her neck and her uniform looked cute. But not as cute as mine. "Hey Em" she said and moved aside so I can go in

    "do you want to eat before we got to work?" She asked as she went to the kitchen "No thank you" I decline politely "are you sure about that?" She reassured me "no" I said looking down. She laughed and got a peace of flesh from the fridge "here you go" she placed it down at the table and walked over to a chair. I sat down and ate shyly. I never really new my manners. I ate with the fork Touka gave me and started eating.

   Touka went behind me and started doing my hair. I flinched at first but I let it happen. After we were done and ready Touka brought me to a mirror she was holding me by my shoulders and then I looked into the mirror. All I saw was a monster. I heard voices ur ugly don't think just because you changed ur look doesn't mean you changed yourself "n-No your wrong" I freecked. My pupils got small and I put my hands in my head. No one needs you. No one will ever love you. That was a spark. It triggered me. I couldn't control it I punched the mirror in anger I was crying and my knuckles started bleeding. Touka was shocked she got me a hugged me. It felt so warm but I ended up crying in shoulders. "I-I'm sorry" I sobbed.

       She rubbed my back and said "its ok. What happened?" She questioned "I don't know I just felt The anger inside me" she then got my knuckles and looked at them "I'll bandage you up" with that she went to go get the first aid kit.

      When she came I was sitting on a chair tears dryed and was holding my bloody hand up. She sat in front of me and bandaged me up. She was done after a few seconds "Arigato" I thanked "No problem but if you need some one to talk to im always here" she said. We stood up and started heading downstairs "ohayoü" said Touka "good morning Touka, Emily" said  Mr. Yoshimura. I then saw the corner of my Kaneki talking to the orange haired boy I saw in my dream. "Oi Kaneki!" Said Touka "we got work to do so get your butt working"


Cookie-chan: So Touka you want him to twerk?

Touka: wh-what?! *blush* I never meant it like that

Kaneki: haha

Touka: what are you laughing about?!


"Gaaah fine" Kaneki whined. He left the orange haired boy alone and when he noticed I was staring at him. I blushed he just smiled and waved. I did the same. Touka then grabbed my arm and planted me behind the counter. She started explaining about how I shouldn't eat any costumers or I really don't know all i had was the orange haired boy on my mind. I wonder why was he in my dream?....

Was I Ready?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora