Textrovert - One Shot Contest

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"So, you found your phone and I had my smoothie" Nicky patted her stomach "let's go and have some cotton candy."

"You still want cotton candy?"

"Oh yeah, what does going to a fair means without some cotton candy?"

Keeley chuckled and shook her head in disbelief and amusement.

She went to follow her friend than she realized that she needed to do something before. "Wait I need to check my phone and call Zach."

"Keeley, that it would take like forever. Let's go and you'll talk to him from there.

Keeley mumbled a low "Okay".

"I need to get some hotdog sandwich too. Nigel said it is delicious here." Nicky was way too excited.

"Who's Nigel?" Keeley asked following her friend.

Nicky quickened her steps and ignored the question.
"OH MY GOD SO YUMMY .... Nigel was so right!" Nicky said after having the first bite. Keeley was standing next to her talking on the phone with her twin.

"This car is ours Zach. O U R S. Not yours. What's the matter with you ditching me for that b_girl? Especially her? Seriously Zach, all of the girls in all Edgewood you chose Bianca?"

Keeley wasn't even listening to what her brother had to say. She was beyond mad. He was so stupid sometimes. Seriously, Bianca? That girl gave her hell. But Keeley knew better, she knew that Zach wasn't serious about her, he hasn't been serious with anyone before. Every girl knew, but they kept on hanging around him, thinking they could fix him. Keeley was sure that her brother needed a miracle to be fixed, but she never commented on his lifestyle because it wasn't her place to judge. Right now, she was fuming, from all the girls on the planet he took that girl, in their car?

"I don't care Zach, I won't drive you home if you got drunk, I mean when you get drunk. When I get home, I will turn off my phone and sleep so you won't bother me."

Keeley took a deep breath and continued her conversation with her twin.

"No Zach, you're unbelievable. We both know you're not sorry. We won't talk about it later. You're going to take care of your ride back home, I don't care ask Bianca to drive you back, or simply don't get drunk. I'm tired of being your sober driver. Tonight, I will be sleeping with Tucker at my feet, your phone call won't bother me. Yes, I will bail on you like you just did. Yes I can. At least, I am giving you a notice ahead of time. Now you care about the parentals? No Zach. You're the unbelievable one. Zach, no I'm_" Keeley went silent when the line went off.

"He hung up on me that Jerk." Keeley mumbled to herself as she walked up to where her friend was standing.

"What did he say?" Nicky asked when Keeley was beside her.

Keeley shrugged. "I sometimes wish I am not his twin. Sometimes he's just ughhh."

"Well, we can try that tonight." Nicky smirked when she looked ahead.

"Try what?" Keeley wondered.

"Is that the guy from earlier?" Nicky looked ahead, pointed with her head where a tall, muscular blonde guy was standing, and the smirk was still on her face.

"How did you_? You were very into your smoothie if I remember correctly." Keeley was a bit shocked. But she knew that Nicky was observant even if she seemed a bit indifferent.

"Is that him?" Nicky asked again.

"Yes. That's him." Keeley mumbled.

"Okay, he's a student from Crosswell, so_"

The Cell Phone Swap: Alternative Reality - Textrovert One Shot Contest Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz