Chapter15 The wedding part 2

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Well last time was very worrysome for all of you I've been hearing, Kelly fell off of a ladder and has a very bad back problems but the baby is fine. letoya and lativa are coming to town for solanges wedding.

Kelly had finally gotten strong enough to walk down the stairs she was suppose to be on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy which she didn't like.

Marlon knocked on the door then he thought it was a little insensitive for him knock knowing she was supposed to stay in bed. So he walked in she was fast asleep on the couch "oh hi" she awoke "hey" he said softly "What are you doing here" he asked "oh I just came by to see how you were feeling" he said "oh well I've been a little better" she sat up he sat next to her."well that's good" Marlon said "Marlon" she asked he looked at her "yeah" "I know you didn't just come over here to check on me" she said "okay you got me I didn't just come over here to check on you I came here to ask you something" he said and kelly looked at him seriously. "well we've been seeing each other for about a month now and ever since you got out of the hospital I've realized that I love you and I want you to move in with me" he said kelly sighed she didn't know what to think "marlon I love you too but we can't move in with each other" she said "why not" he asked "because of the baby well will work something out" he said "Can you just think about it" he asked "okay" she nodded and he smiled at her.

So later that day letoya and Latvia arrived with bey Michelle and Solange at Kelly's house.

Kelly opened the door the two looked happy at her "Kelly" they both said and the two hugged her "Honey how've you been" letoya asked as they all walked in Kelly's house "great" kelly lied she really didn't get along with those two as much as bey did but she was willing to get along with them for a few "kelly you look great" Letoya said "wish I could say the same" kelly mumbled "what" Letoya asked "I said I'm glad you came" kelly lied they all sat around and talked about things"so kelly are you married" lativa asked kelly was hoping they wouldn't ask that but they did "well I was" she said "twice" Solange pointed out "and not for very long" bey mumbled to Michelle "so what about you two" kelly asked "oh well I'm dating a doctor and lativa married a very successful lawyer" Letoya boasted "oh thats nice" kelly lied "so anyway I heard that Solange is marrying you're ex husband Evan" lativa pointed out "yeah" kelly said "yes she is" kelly looked at solo "but I'm fine with it" "yeah right" lativa said "what's thy suppose to mean" kelly exclaimed "oh it's nothing it's just that you get very jealous kelly its not you're fault it's just who you are" Letoya said "no I don't get jealous right guys" kelly asked the 3 all looked away not wanting to answer "anyway I'm happy for her" kelly insisted "sure you are" lativa said kelly balled up a fist "okay lets uh lets talk about something else shall we" bey stepped in front of kelly "fine" kelly sat back down.

So well it finally the day of the wedding and everyone was excited and kelly had gotten the approval from her doctor to go to the wedding she invited marlon with her.

Everyone from mama Tina, Matthew cousin Angie and all those other people were there, bey Michelle and kelly at in the front row,as Solange walked down the aisle everyone stood up she looked beautiful bey wiped her eyes she had realized that Solange was not her little sister she was a grown woman now.They all took their seats. "we all gather here to celebrate the union of these two Solange knowles and Evan Jackson" the pastor said Evan and solo smiled at each other "I see you two wrote you're own vows" he said "yeah" Evan said and cleared his throat "Solange I love you with all my heart you've always have been there when I cheated on you, you was there and the other things I did that I can't remember you were there and I just want to say I love and I can't wait to be married to you and have our baby" he said as tears flowed down his cheek "well how can I top that but anyway Evan I love you too even though we've been through a lot you know when you cheated on me with my sisters best friend and I've realized that no matter what we go through we will always be together" she said "okay well then now do you Evan Jackson take her to be your wife to have and to hold,for rich or poor, in sickness or in health till death do you part" he asked "I do" he said "and do you Solange take him to be you're husband" he asked "I I...I" Solange stuttered, Michelle bey and kelly looked at each other worriedly "I can't marry him I'm so sorry Evan" Solange said and ran out.

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