She texted her friend informing her that she will be back in sometime and ran out of the place to get a rickshaw to the park.

1) Phone battery? -90%-check
2) Selfie mode works?- check
3) The 'What to ask ASR when you meet him' sheet of paper that she carried with her always-Check

"God had I known this earlier I would've worn my lucky red top!", she muttered just as they nearly reached the location.
Luckily for Khushi, news about ASR coming there for some shooting , had just gotten out and so she was among the first few fans to reach the place. Just as she was about to cross the road, she spotted him near the entrance of the park.

"ASRRRRRRRR!" she screamed at the top of her voice and that made him turn to look at the girl on the other side of the road.
He looked as dashing as ever, in a white shirt , with top two buttons open and a faded blue jeans. He looked at the girl who had called him, rather, screamed his name and well from what he could manage to see of her from where he was standing, his mind voice at that instant was "Wow ! she looks beautiful" ..

Khushi had worn white that day and she sure did look good. Khushi gave him her 1000 watt smile and waved, gesturing to him that she will be there in a moment.

"OMG OMG OMG He looked at me !! ASR LOOKED AT ME !!!", this was enough to drive all sane thought out of her mind and she started walking towards him without realizing that the signal had turned green.

BAM! The next moment, a motorbike hit Khushi, causing her to fall back on the median. She was too shocked to react and all color drained from her face when the pain took over. Her right leg had started bleeding and she guessed it might be a fracture. Tears started rolling down her cheeks and her eyes slowly started drifting off to unconsciousness.

ASR stood frozen at the spot. A loud horn from a car which went past him, brought him back to reality. "Damn it!!" he said and ran towards her, after making sure the signal showed red. He didn't stop to think about his stardom and the consequences he might have to face later. For now, this girl, apparently his fan, had come to meet him and she met with an accident. He felt kind of responsible for her state.
Crowd had started gathering around Khushi when ASR reached her side. Everyone was shocked/surprised to see THE ASR right before them and some even wanted a selfie with him. He glared at them for not understanding the situation and his breath caught in his throat when he looked at the girl in front of him. He was right. She looked like an angel in white . Her long hair, flawless face, her eyes-from a glimpse he caught before she nearly closed it..."ASR!.."..he heard her voice.. reality struck.."Damn it! Am I sitting here admiring her instead of taking her to the hospital? I can be really stupid at times", he told himself and felt something turn inside him when he saw her leg soaked in blood. She was trying hard to keep her eyes open and he could see she was even trying to smile? This girl was trying to smile through her tears, despite being in so much pain? Unbelievable!

He placed one hand under her neck and the other below her unhurt leg and carried her as fast as he could, to his car, ignoring the gasps and the surprised looks from his audience. "Mission- save my fan girl" was the only thing on his mind at the moment and he couldn't care less about their reactions.

He carefully placed her in the backseat and rushed to the driver's seat and put on the seatbelt.
"ASR..Is it really you?", she asked and he couldn't avoid the small smile that decided to pay a visit to his face right then. He had a LOT of fans and he was well aware of that fact, he loved their attention, he respected them a lot, because if he was in this position today, he believed that they played a MAJOR role in that. But this girl, she was different somehow..

"Yeah I guess so", he replied in his husky voice adding a " Please stay awake.. we will reach the hospital in ten minutes"
"I will", she assured him and tried her best to keep her word to her hero. Yes , she couldn't really describe how excruciating the pain was, but her ASR was driving her to the hospital??! Her first meeting with the guy who conquered her dreams, could've been better though.
ASR reached the hospital ASAP and carried her inside requesting a stretcher on the way. Well, Not everyday does anyone see a movie star walk in with a girl in his arms now do they ? So yet again, there were looks of shock and surprise and he could only let out a groan in frustration.

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