Chapter 1

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Hope you enjoy!


Ava's P.O.V

My wonderful dream of riding a unicorn and kissing Logan Lerman was cut short when I was attacked by sunlight. Groaning, I pulled the covers so it was covering my face.

"Nuh uh uh young lady, you have to get up for school." I heard a voice say.

Someone tried to pull my covers away from me but I swatted away their hand. "Nooo, the unicorn wanted to play with me!"

"Oh honey, that is really sweet but GET UP NOW OR NO ALLOWANCE FOR A MONTH." A voice that happened to be very similar to my mother's said.

With that said, I got up and quickly ran to the shower.

Deciding to stick with just skinny jeans and a simple white top, I ran down the stairs while trying to tie my shoelaces and my toothbrush in my mouth.

It would look very weird but it was possible to do that.


Or not.

"Ouch." I groaned while rubbing my hurt cheek.

"That is what you get for multi-tasking." My mother, Linda, said with her hands on her hips and playfully glaring down at me.

"But you said its good to multi-task! And women do better multi-tasking than men!" I protested while sitting up.

Just as I said that, my father came through the front door, while carrying some groceries in both of his arms, one hand was holding his phone which he was currently looking at and an apple in his mouth.

Mother nature, proving me wrong yet again.

"Hey dad." He just waved with the hand his phone was in.

I got up and walk to the kitchen bench where there was milo cereal, I grabbed a spoon and shoved the chocolate cereal down my throat, that's when I realise I brushed my teeth already. I mentally faced palm myself and decided not to brush them again because that's how I roll.

I grabbed my school bag, stuff it with food and my textbooks because my school doesn't have lockers and head out for a five minute walk to my school, Rosewood High.

There was something really fishy about this school, it just seemed a tad abnormal, but that could be just me being weird. I head off to maths and braced myself for a monotone voice.

"Good morning Mr Fred." I said with a straight face.

I could hear my bestfriend, Hailey giggling at me from the middle of the class. She always comes to school early, I don't know why.

"Oh good morning Ms Mitchell. Where is the extra math questions that I requested you to do over the weekend?" He asked while cocking an eyebrow at me.

I am extremely sure that this old faggot had something against me. Heck, I was the highest in math class yet he gave me extra work to do! He always picks on me and my mom thought that it was a good thing so I could be more 'focused' in my class.

"Its right here," Giving him the paper, I stood staighter, "Questions all answered with step by step clear answers."

Mr Fred examined the paper with a frown on his face. "Hmm it seems that you need more practice. Here, some math questions that could boost you up a little further." He gave me a piece of paper.

Urgh homework. I swear, I had looked through my answers more than 20 times. "Alright, it will completed by tomorrow." I said through gritted teeth.

I went to my seat and banged my head on the table. "Aww, is someone feeling a wittle sad?" Hailey cooed from beside me.

I turned my head and glared at her. "At least you don't have to do extra stupid math stuff! Not like I am complaining or anything, its quite easy to do but I am tired." I whined to her.

Hailey just grinned and patted my head. "Well, at least he actually acknowledges you and knows your name. He keeps calling me Mailey or Smiley for some reason." She looked at Mr Fred, who was currently writing on the board and scowled at him.

"Aww is someone feeling a wittle angry?" I teased her.

Before she could do or say anything, my other best friend, Lila, strolled in. She was really beautiful I tell you, with flaming red hair and bright green eyes, any boy could get down on their knees and bow down to her beauty.

It seems like I am the only one in the class who felt that some other people in the school had this weird aura with them. I don't know if its good or bad, but I did know that Lila is one of them

"Hey." She chirped and sat behind me.

"Did Mr Freddy gave you another piece of extra work for ya?" She smirked when she saw me frowning at the paper.

"Yeah." I scowled while Hailey and Lila giggled.

"I swear, he has a thing for ya." Lila smirked.

"Ew. I think he has a thing for Chloe. He always excuses her when she doesn't do homework or gives her extra time." I said.

Speak of the devil, here she comes. Her blonde hair was put up into a high ponytail and her skirt was inching up every time she walked. She swayed her hips to Mr Freddy and pouted. I am guessing this is a case of undone homework.

"Hey Mr Fred," She twirled a strand of hair while drawing circles on the teacher's desk, "I am really sorry but my... uhm dog, ate my homework. Could you please forgive me?" She said in an awful baby voice while batting her eyelashes.

Mr Fred audibly gulp while looking at her up and down. "Ewww, how old is he again?" Lila whispered from behind.

"I don't know, 58?" We laughed while watching Mr Fred stutter.

The rest of the school day was uneventful and plain boring. I ran out of the school after saying goodbye to my friends and ran home.

At last, peace and quiet. I walked into my house and heat up lunch while waiting for mum to finish work, she should be coming anytime now. I put the lasagna into two plates; for mother and myself.

"Honey, I'm home." Mother sang, "Sorry, I've always wanted to do that." She grinned sheepishly.

"Whatever. I heated up lunch."

That's all that needed to be said before we started to dig in. Halfway through eating, mum starts speaking.

"Ava, you know how you wanted a job for a while now..."

"Hmmm." I hummed, not really interested in the conversation.

"Well, I thought I should help you since you've been busy with all that studying you do, and I got you a job," She took a deep breath, "You know how you are a genius and have many talents, I thought maybe you could share it by maybe tutoring the Davis twins?"

"WHAT?! HOW COULD YOU?" The Davis twins were the most popular people in school, not something I wanted to mix with.

"They pay a reasonable price" She shrugged,"Fifty a lesson, twenty-five each child."

Maybe I will mix with them for a couple of lessons, "Fine, but I'm only doing this because you won't buy me a new pair of converse." Maybe I could buy some food to make a stash or something with the left over money. "One condition, if they get difficult or too bimbo I drop out. Deal?"


After eating, I went to my room, did my homework and jumped on the bed to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2014 ⏰

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