Prolonged Stays, Becoming Friends and Nervous Breakdowns

Start from the beginning

    “Height has nothing to do with it. Get past my defenses and shoot that ball, woman!” Chuck clapped his hands together and dipped back down.

    I dribbled the ball a few more times, took a deep breath and bolted towards him. I faked out his right side, watching him lunge that way. At the last second, I committed to swooping around his left side and swung around him.

    I felt a small tug on my sweater as Chuck tried to grab me but I was gone in a heartbeat. Instead of taking the shot, I rolled onto the balls of my feet and leaped as high as I could. It was just enough to get the ball into the hoop. My first slam-dunk.

    Hanging on the hoop, catching my breath, I threw my legs around as I cheered in victory. I heard a hollar behind me and felt someone grab my legs. Laughing, I let go and was flopped on Chuck’s shoulder. 

    “That‘s what I‘m talking about!” Chuck roared proudly, fist on the air and cheering like a mad man. You’d think he just won the lottery.

    “Put me down, you dweeb!” I laughed, smacking his back.

    “Put her down, Chuck.” Chuck slowed to a halt and plopped me on my feet as we both turned to Herc.

    He had his shoulder leaning against the door frame, watching us with a wide grin. When Herc had seen us start to get along, he was more than pleased.

    “Dad, did you see her? She‘s a natural slam dunker!” the sweaty Hansen wrapped an arm around my shoulders, looking down at me with that smile that seemed to be on his face a lot more often lately.

    “Good job, Lila.” I looked back at Herc, smiling.

    “Thanks.” I scratched the back of my head, embarrassed that two Rangers were complimenting me.

    “I‘ve taught her well, huh?” Rolling my eyes, I smacking his chest with the back of my hand. Chuck released his hold on my shoulders and clutched his chest, like I’d really hurt him. Herc and I both laughed.

    “Shut up.” I said, shaking my head.

    Striker Eureka. Report to bay C7 for immediate deployment. Kaiju Codename: Ceramander. Category 3. Location, Hawaii.

    I hadn’t heard that comm voice in almost 2 years. It stopped every function in my body. I felt every cell in my body drop to my feet and solidify there. I know neither men had noticed me because I knew my face was white, so white it could put computer paper to shame.

    “Finally, some action!” Chuck cheered, pumping his fist and bouncing on his feet.

    “Get focused, boy. We‘ve got lives to save.” Herc scolded, taking a few more steps inside the room, finally looking at me.

    “Jesus, Lila, are you alright, lass?” Herc asked, concern ringing through. I couldn’t meet his eyes as I wrapped my arms around my middle, stumbling on my feet slightly.

    “Lils?” Chuck was closer, and helped me stand when I thought my knees were going to give out on me. I grabbed a hold of his arm that was securely wrapped around me and looked up at him. His blue eyes shined with worry as he touched his hand to my cheek.

    Just looking into his eyes brought back so many memories and none of them with Chuck himself. Flashes of the last day I had my boys flew through my mind, along with screaming, months of pain and grieving. Looking into Chuck’s eyes at that moment reminded me too much of the Becket that always had a special spot  in my heart.

    “I-I‘ve gotta go.” I nearly shouted, able to easily move from Chuck’s grip when it loosened from shock at my outburst.

    “Hey! Wait up!” Chuck called out to me as I made my way hastily towards the door.

Taking Back The World! (A Pacific Rim and Raleigh Becket Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now