Chapter 3: Book

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Shenzi's P.O.V

Morning light trickles through the cracks in the trapdoor as I gather every scrap of useful material I can, and throw it into a partially ripped up back pack that was laying behind the skeleton. I come to the last shelf and open it with high hopes. There's nothing but a dusty old book. I curiously pull it out and examine the cover. It's wrapped in leather and a single phrase is etched into the cover. Εκμηδένιση. It looks Greek, and I can't decipher it, but when I open to the first page, it's written in Arabic, my first language. This is odd.

579 A.G.P is what it reads at the top of the page. 'After Great Plague'. I learned about this in my community school. The Great Plague was a disastrous disease that struck South Africa almost six hundred years ago, spreading like wildfire across the world and killing millions and millions of people. From that point on, nuclear war killed almost everyone else. Everyone I had known had told me that our village contained the only survivors...and now it's burnt to the ground. I put the book away.

I remember playing around the Nile river with my brother, Hasim. When we heard the sirens go off in the distance, we were a few kilometers away from home. Confused, my brother and I ran back towards our village, but as I climbed up a steep hill, we watched as a fire erupted across the horizon. Hasim immediately ran back, hoping to help our parents. He was young and didn't really think about what he was doing. I knew it wasn't safe to go back, but I was unable to save my brother. I watched, paralyzed, as he ran straight into the flames.

AnnihilationOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz