Proper introductions?

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Ever since my dad left 6 years ago, my life has changed for the worse.
I lost my bestfriend after I found out she was using me.
I lost my trust in people.
I lost that smile my mom used to call "prize winning"
I lost that motherly and daughterly bond.
I lost my joy in life.
I lost all my friends.
I lost my happiness.
I lost myself.
And I was no where to be found.
It's weird huh? How one situation in your life could end up changing just about everything.

I took a deep breath as I arrived to school on the first Monday after winter break.
I stepped out of my Silver Chrysler Van and grabbed my backpack.
I kinda miss this place. Said no one ever.
I locked my van and slung my bag around my shoulders adjusting it making sure it was comfortable.
I walked past the same people as I all heard their omg how are you? I haven't talked to you in forever.
Same people, same place, same disgust.
Then I spotted Mandy.
And to think the one I spended shoving our faces with food on sleepovers, traveling to the mall, talking about boys, sneaking out late at night past curfew, being there for me all through everything.
I thought she was my friend, bestfriend. I guess everything is really not what it seems.
She did do what any old friend would do.
Become a backstabbing two-faced bitch.
I lost her in an instant.
I can still feel the pain inside me.
The knife she left in my back is still there up to date but slowly fading.
Or at least that's what I tell myself.
I saw her right away when I saw her dark brown hair in the sunlight. Shining like a brown piece of glass would reflect light off its surface.
But our friendship just crumbled apart. Just like that.
In an instant I turned away and shook my head.
Stop it. You don't need her.
Truth was, I really do.

"Take out a piece of paper." My teacher yelled.
I groaned and felt a slight tap on my shoulder.
I brushed my shoulder off before turning to ask.
I found myself face to face with Adam Lockhart.
Adam Lockhart. Hmm how to describe? Oh yeah, the biggest Sleeper in the school.
And by sleep, you know what I mean.
Captain of the Basketball team, has all the girls 'crushing' on him.
The part that makes it all worse, is the fact that we live right next to each other.
Whenever he threw his 'fun' parties at his house that just involved alcohol and drugs, I could not sleep. I even asked my mom if I could call the cops and she said that it wouldn't be necessary.
Saying I hated him, was an understatement. Let's say if we were in the hunger games, and on the same team... He wouldn't last till training.
His blue icy eyes were staring right at me for an awkward amount of time.
I turned away as quick as possible.
"What do you want?" I asked in a grouchy tone.
"Can I borrow a piece of paper?" He asked me looking down.
I rolled my eyes, pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to him.
"Thanks." He said with an emotionless face.
I didn't respond back and I just started working.
After the hour was almost over I started packing my stuff up.
"I'm Adam, by the way." He said grinning.
"I know."
"Sadly.." I added quietly looking to the side.
"What?" He asked me curiously.
"Nothing." I replied.
He looked at me oddly and then shook his head.
I started walking out the door after class was dismissed.
"Wait up." I heard someone say.
I stop hoping there was a chance it was Mandy.
But turned around to find the disappointment that it wasn't.
Oddly enough, it was Adam.
"Why, do you want me to wait up for you?" I asked confused, with a hint of annoyance in my voice.
"I didn't get to learn your name."
I stared at him confused, what does this dude want?
"I gave you a piece of paper, not my résumé for college." I say really annoyed and turned around before he could say anything else.
I heard his footsteps slowly fading away and I knew that he left.
I sighed a huge breath of relief.
Thank the lord that was are only conversation for the rest of the day.
After school I got into my car, set my bags down, and left as soon as possible.
I turned on the radio and set it to my favorite channel and realized they were playing Closer by the Chainsmokers.
Knowing me, I just jammed along the way to my house.

A/N sorry for the short chapter! I have more on the way!
Shoutout to my bestfriend and my obsession sharer flowercrownsandcats  she's such an amazing person and in later chapters she'll be introduced (spoiler!!) but yeah okay thanks for bearing with my weirdness :)
Lots of love ❤️

~ Trish

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