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"No Lucy, I can't leave yet. He promised me he would meet us here," I complained.

"I know Jess and I'm really sorry, but we are boarding in 5 minutes," she checked her watch,  "I don't think he's going to make it," Lucy put my hand in hers.
I knew Lucy was right, I knew he wouldn't come, but a part of me wanted to keep holding on. Who even knew when I would see him next.

"But," I sighed, "we didn't even say goodbye yesterday. Why is he being like this? Do you think he's mad at me?"

"I really don't know, but what I do know is that we have to leave now. Y'all can talk when we get there."

"Okay maybe he'll do that romantic thing and stop us  as we take the last steps onto the plane, like in the movies," I wished.

We walked over to the long line by the gate. As I handed my ticket to the flight attendant, I turned around to see if Tyler made it. To my disappointment he wasn't there.
I guess movies really aren't real. You'd have to be someone special for an amazing scene to appear before your eyes.

After the painful flight that felt like 100 years, we grabbed our suitcases from the baggage claim and went to find our uber. I checked my phone to see if maybe a certain someone called or texted me, but after clicking the button, all I saw was the picture I took with Tyler on his 18th birthday. I had smashed cake into his face, and then he proceeded to bear hug me, covering me in the chocolate mess as well. Lucy was able to capture the perfect candid of us.

A small smile appears on my face as I remember that day. He's different now. We're different now. And I can't help but wonder where we went wrong.

"Right Jess?" Lucy turned to me.

"What?" I asked, snapping out of thought. I look up to see a the uber driver staring at me through the rear view mirror.

"I was telling our driver that this was our first time in London," Lucy repeated.

"Oh yeah! We got selected to be in an internship program at Focus Fashion for London Fashion Week!"

"Yes! We are so excited we came all the way from Wimberley, Texas!" Lucy added.

"Oh how fun, I don't know where that is," the driver responded.

"Oh it's right outside of Austin, Texas. There's literally nothing to do there," I replied back, "so we upped and left the minute we got this opportunity."

"Okay ladies, looks like we are at your stop. It was nice to meet you both. I wish you the best of luck, and I will definitely be keeping an eye out for your names in the magazines!" Our driver said, handing me a card as I grabbed my belongings. I thought it was just an old-school business card and threw it into my pocket.

I glanced up at our tall apartment complex. This is all felt so surreal; it was finally happening. I could tell Lucy had the same feeling as she looked over at me with an excited face,

"Jess, I'm so proud of us. I don't care about anything else right now honestly."

She looked down at her phone then switched emotions immediately. Shocked eyes looked at me, as she held the time up in front of my face.


From that point until we arrived to Focus, it was all a blur. I had never ran so fast in my life. Bystanders probably thought we were insane as they saw two nubs running down the street.


"You're both late, please grab a packet and stand in the back," said the voice of a tall, skinny woman with red curly hair, and skin as pale as snow. If someone were to ask me if I've seen Satan, I would have said yes in a heartbeat.

Lucy whispered to me, "at least we are here now, I mean I probably got my fastest mile time too."

It was so hard to hold in the laughing as we (oh so gracefully) found our way into the back of the room, as curious eyes of our fellow interns followed our every move.

"As you all know," the scary woman began, "you have all been hand selected to be in our Focus Internship Program. Many of you even came from all around the world. I have heard and seen amazing things about each and every one of you, and I know you will not disappoint me. Is that correct?"

All of us glanced at one another, not sure whether to answer or make a run for it the minute we got the chance.

"We are very fast paced in this company, and with that being said, we have a business to run alongside fashion week. This is where you all come in handy. I expect to have my three head interns picked by tomorrow evening at the mandatory meeting with our special guests."

A girl raised her hand, "excuse me, Ms. Nicole, but how do we prove ourselves in literally a little over 24 hours?"

"That's for you all to figure out, and no questions until the end. I expect to see great things from each and every one of you young designers. If the position of head intern interests you, then I would suggest you make your mark and prove to me the spot belongs to you," Ms. Satan announced to us.

Lucy and I glanced at each other. Hey, we may as well go big or go home. We already made our mark for being late.

"You," the woman who I presume is Ms. Nicole pointed right in my direction with her long, freshly painted wine colored nail, "I want you to come up here and do me a favor."


A/N: OOOOH SPOOKY CLIFFHANGER! Hey guys! We are your authors! We are super excited for this story! We need to get into the hang of it. Please vote, comment, and follow if you'd like us to update faster and want to be notified when we do update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Love to Remember h.sOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant