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Dick Grayson sat on the couch, staring at the wall. His mother and father, Mary and John Grayson had just been murdered by Tony Zucco. He hadn't eaten. Hadn't spoke. Only drank a sip of water once a day. Bruce Wayne had kindly taken him in, but it wasn't home. And Bruce Wayne wasn't his father.

Bruce watched from the kitchen at the boy who didn't move, didn't talk. Alfred put his hand on Bruce's shoulder. "You were like that, too, Bruce. After your parent's died."

"I know, but I don't know how to help him."

"He'll come to you when he's ready, Bruce." Bruce sighed. He could have sworn a tear had just come from Dick's eyes, but the boy turned away just as he looked. Bruce went up to his study, hoping that the boy would soon warm up to him.

Dick heard Bruce and Alfred leave, then buried his face in his hands. He cried, tears streaming down his pale cheeks. He didn't want to show anyone what he was feeling. But the tears never ended, and he was sobbing so much he felt weak.

He tried to stand for some reason, but fell to the ground with a thud. He stayed there on the ground until Bruce came in. When he saw the boy, he rushed to Dick's side. He put Dick's head in his lap and stroked his hair as Dick sobbed.

"It's okay, Dick. I'm here..." Bruce said. Dick stopped and looked into Bruce's worried eyes.

"I'm sorry...Bruce. That I treated you bad. I-I was scared." Dick cried.

"Scared of what?"

"That my dad would be mad if I got a new dad." Dick hung his head. Bruce lifted the boy's head to look at him.

"Your dad would want you to be happy, Dick." Dick nodded and buried his face into Bruce's sweater. They stayed like that until Dick started talking again, his voice cracked and harsh from not drinking much or speaking for a week.

"Thank you, Bruce. For everything you've given me." Bruce felt a tear in his eye. He was Batman, he couldn't cry. Yet the tears slid down his face and he hugged Dick like it was the last thing he would do. Finally Dick choked,

"You're choking me, Bruce." Bruce released him and smiled. He had never felt this way for someone else before. Then he looked back up at Dick, who was asleep in his arms. He smiled as the boy slept, knowing that this boy needed Bruce Wayne. Not Batman. Bruce. 

Dick Grayson injuredWhere stories live. Discover now