They always say that nothing ever changes

Start from the beginning

The hallways where empty by the time I got to my class. Upon entering the person who I assumed to be the teacher shouted. 



"Mr.Stein" he supplied

"I'm sorry Mr.stein but I did not know where the class was." I answered knowing this was a plausible excuse.

"Oh you must be a new student." He smiled.


"Detention." He said

Confused I looked at him. Ready to protest a voice behind me spoke. 

"My girlfriend was blowing me I couldn't make her stop midway." 

I spun around to see the same boy I bumped into from earlier stand at the doorway. He looked at me again but this time more intently. 

"Detention for you both." Mr.stein informed us. 

"But I am new I didn't come late on purpose." I tried. 

"Well new." The class quietly laughed at his dad joke. "You can have detention and this time you don't have to be late because Mr. Waldenbeck can show you where his seventh period class is." The boy behind me scoffed. "You can take a seat lukas. New you can sit next to him." 

"My name is Phillip." I tell Mr.stein while looking at Lucas.

We take our seats at the back of the classroom. Mr.stein takes his seat and the class gets quiet returning to what ever they where previously working on. I turn to Lucas who is earnestly watching something on his computer screen. 

Five minutes go by with me sitting watching everyone work and waiting for someone to fill me in on whats going on. 

Another five minutes go by and I look over lucas's screen to get an idea of what we are supposed to do. He was watching someone ride a motorbike on a dirt road. After the video is over I get ready to ask him what was the assignment but I notice he is on a YouTube page that has his name on it. 

"You ride?" He ask's me.

"Uh" I didn't to mess up my shot at making a friend. "Yea. But I only watch it. I don't ride."

"Oh Cool." He says blandly returning to his YouTube page. I noticed his name is spelled with a K instead of a C. He opens another video and begins to scroll through the comments. 140 views on the video. He scrolls back up and watches the rest of the video jotting some stuff down. 

"Whattchu think?" He ask's distractedly while writing what ever his is writing down. 

"It's uh good I guess." I reply timidly.

"Bull shit. I need someones honest opinion. Don't sugar coat it." He looks me in the eye and my breath gets caught in my throat. 

"To be honest." I say looking at the screen away from his eyes. "The video sucked." 

"Okayyy Jose. I asked for an opinion not for you to denounce it." 

Wide eyed I realizing he took my feedback the wrong way. "No I mean like who ever took the video is shit at camera work. The angles are all off. The tricks are cool but the way they are taken makes them look mediocre."

"You think you can do better?" He challenged. 

"Yea anyday." 

"Meet me behind the school at two thrity." He noticed the questioning look on my face. "To prove your skills."

I nodded. "Maybe." 

A loud noise sounded over the intercom and students began to put their things away. 

Still seated unsure if it was the bell or not I asked Lukas "Was that the bell?" 

"Yea city boy. "  With that he hurriedly exited the class.

The rest of my day was pretty uneventful. I met a boy named Tommy in pre-calc  who was also into photography.  

The final bell rung and everyone was piling out of the school. Everyone was in little groups and I felt a little out of place being alone. While getting my bike rack I notice a motorbike and remembered that lukas wanted me to meet him in 15 minutes behind the school. I think about going to get a bite to eat but the closest convenience store is 10 minutes away. So I ride my bike to the back of the school and text my mom. 

After twenty minutes pass lukas is riding is bike up to me and handing me a helmet. 

His voice was a little muffled but I was able to understand he was apologizing. Putting on the helmet I realize what he is indicating I do. 

Shaking my head no I hand him back his helmet. " I don't ride I watch." 

"You don't have to do anything just hold on to me." 

Unsure I took the helmet back and was surprised at how easy it went over my head and also a bit uncomfortable with how it was around my head but I didn't complain. 

"I would tell you to close your eyes but you seem a little freaked out so you can leave them open. We are going to my favorite riding spot and I don't want people finding out how to get there." 

"Secret is safe with me." I hold up my crossed fingers. 

I smile at the mirth in his eyes. 

Little did I know that this would lead to even bigger secrets. 


This is not edited or anything I just wrote and published so If some of it makes no sense or if there is grammer mistakes my bad. I may or may not g o through in the future and edit it. I also just made a philkas tumblr if you want t check it out.    (The url)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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