Randy walked out of the room, and Emerald walked in. Sapphire sat on her bed, and looked up at him.

"You're awake." Emerald entered.

Sapphire continued to cover herself. "Yeah, I'm guessing that you're the one who kept the demon calm." 

"Not exactly calm, just surpressed." Emerald sat on the bed with her.

"I'm sorry that I was weak." Sapphire let her hand rest in her lap.

Randy rushed into the room.

"Guys, Howard's been captured!" Randy announced.

"I'll help you." Sapphire stood up.

Randy walked over and sat her back down on the bed.

"No, you're still hurt. I can save him myself, I've done it before." Randy said.

"Do you need my help?" Emerald asked.

"Nah, I got this, you just stay here and take care of Sapphire." Randy slipped on his mask. "I'll be back in a good half hour."

"Alright" Emerald said.

Sapphire just nodded. 

Randy disappeared from the cave off to McFist's lab. 

Sapphire looked over at Emerald, as he smirked. He grabbed her hand and led her into the bathroom. He wet a rag and dabbed her face.

"You don't need to treat me like I'm helpless." Sapphire looked away.

Emerald cupped her chin and turned Sapphire's head towards him. He chuckled a little bit. "Just admit it, you like it."

Sapphire's face turned completely red.

"W-what ever gave you that idea?" Sapphire stuttered.

"The way you act around me, the way you look at me." Emerald's whole personality had just changed in an instant.

Sapphire remained silent. Emrald cocked his head.

"What if I told you, I love you." Emerald purred.

Sapphire starred at him in shock. "As much as I want to believe you, it's not true." Sapphire said.

Emerald swiftly grabbed her bare waist, and pulled her head close. He put his fingers on her chin.

"Would you believe me if I did this?" Emerald asked, before pressing his lips on Sapphire's.

Sapphire's eyes widened. She inhaled sharply, and wrapped her arms around his neck. Emerald pulled away.

"Do you love me?" He asked.

"Of course." Sapphire said.

"Then you can forgive me when I do you wrong, right?" Emerald asked.

"Yes." Sapphire responded.

"Good." Emerald kissed her again.

He placed one hand on her neck. "I'm sorry, then."

Emerald pressed down on the soft spot on her neck. Pulled away falling to the ground; she had passed out.

Emerald caught her. "Oh Sapphire, if only someone did love you. If only you weren't so naive." Emerald smiled evily. "McFist, I hope I have pleased you."

Randy was thrown in a cage by McFist, along with Howard. McFist locked the cage tight.

"We'll get that mask off you right after we call the sorcerer." McFist threatened.

"Look what you've done ninja, we' wouldn't be in this mess if you wouldn't have said hello to that chick in the first place." Howard crossed his arms.

"I'll get us out of this." Randy pulled on the bars of the cage.

Emerald laid Sapphire on the ground and grabbed her mask out of her book bag.

"I'm sure McFist will be happier when I bring in the shinobi, instead of this girl." Emerald smiled.

He slipped the mask on over her face, making her shinobi suit appear around her.

"Come on, shinobi, lets show my prize to McFist." Emerald laughed maliciously.

"I'm calling, I'm calling Viceroy. Stop rushing me." McFist swished at Viceroy to make him back off.

The sorcerer appeared in a holographic form. "Yes?" The sorcerer answered.

"I give you, the ninja." McFist pointed to Randy.

WAIT!!" Emerald walked in carrying the shinobi in his arms.

"Oh thank God, Emerald, you came!" Randy said in relief.

"Yes, but not for you." Emerald smirked.

"Emerald, can't you see I'm busy?!" McFist yelled.

"Oh, I just thought you would want the shinobi." Emerald smiled.

McFist smiled and chuckled, along with the sorcerer.

"Put him in the cage with the other two." McFist comanded.

"With plesure." Emerald threw Sapphire in the cage, still unconscious.

"Emerald, how could you?" Howard asked.

"Easily. I just acted like I loved her, then took advantage of her. As simple as a kiss." Emerald walked away from Randy and Howard.

"Emerald!" Randy snapped. "You better hope I never get out of here. 'Cause when I do, I'll kill you myself!"

Emerald chuckled. "Look at me, I'm wetting my pants here."

The Girl Named Sapphire (Book 1) #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now