Lolzz Laughing Hurts

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 Do you ever feel like thing don't want to go your way.Do ever feel like someone is trying to ruin you or that things are just  falling apart right in front of you. Do u ever ask the question "why".  Sometimes people are just so rude its not even funny . At this point I'm done with fake people.

"Hey wake where your waking." I hear every where on my way on to the train.

"Come on Annie let's not try getting split up again like last time." Jessica shouts out getting on to the train

" Ok ok calm yourself." I shout back . Jessica rolls her eyes at me and smiles. After 3 more stop we get off. We cross the street and rig the door bell" Who" Jessica's aunt asks," Its Jessica and Annie." her aunt opens the dooor. Two hours later we left and went back to her house to watch a few movies.

" So what should we watch when we get to your house?" I asked jessica

" I don't know, what type of movie do you wnt to watch." she responded

" We should watch scares!" I said very excitely

"Ummm alright then." she said uncertain

When we finally got to her house. We watched two movies Paranormal Activitey 1 and 2, and if you've ever seen Paranormal Activitey 2 you would know that when the mother goes upstairs to check up on her new born baby boy she get pulled down the stairs.After the first movie w waited a while so we can get popcorn then we heard knocking at the doo we went to open the door. When we opened the door no one was there. We shut the down but stood there. It was less then ten seconds before the bell ranbg again. Jessica opened the door really fast then ran outside.I slowly followed behind her, I went out far enough so that the neighbors don't see me. After like five seconds Jessica tuerned around to look at me and she saw the door alowwly closing.

"Annie hold the door!"

I turned around and stopped the door with my foot. We went inside to check up on her twin brother and her boy best friend. When we were almost all the way up the stairs. Until Jessica started began to fall down the stair. Well she tought. She was so scared that, she didn't even feel Justin and Xavier'd\s hands by her ankle. I moved to the side so i didn't go down with her. She tryed to hold on to me she acually did grab on to my hand maybe she would have held on if I wasn't laughing so much that she ended up letting go and crying been while Justin Xavier and i were laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2012 ⏰

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