The start

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Andrea's pov:

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Andrea's pov:

I wake up this morning and I was late.I rush in the bathroom and took a shower.I was really quick.I dressed my uniform and run in the kitchen.I was so fast and I accidently spilled milk all over the floor.Then in the kitchen came uncle.

"What did you do you little brat?!"he screamed at me and slapped me twice on cheek.I fell on the floor and try not to cry.

"Clean all this,you stupid."he said in anger and 'accidently' kicked my leg and went out.I stood up slowly and clean the floor.I didn't have time to cover my bruise because I was late.I went out and walk in the street, run actually.I run across the street when I heard a loud honking noise.

"Hey watch where are you going!"the driver yelled.

"Sorry."I apologized.I run to the train station.Today I'm going to visit my grandma, but I have to come home before 8 or my uncle with beat me.She is very sweet and loving person.I was thinking about my grandma when I accidently bumped into someone."I'm sorry."I whispered and stepped back a few inches .There were three guys.The one that I bumped has blonde hair and he started arguing with the other two.The blonde guy shout to them, and they didn't like his tone.

"Hey you,apologized immedietly."he said to blonde one.

"I'm not going to apologized,that freak bumped into me and then I accidently bumped into you."he said pointing at me.Then they started to fight.The blonde got punch and hit by the other two. I don't know why, but I feel anger took over me.I know he called me freak,but I can't see him like this.

I try to help the blonde guy with pulling one of them. I kicked the other and ended up being tackled.

"I warn you, freak girl, stay away from us and you'll be safe."

"You can't attack him just because he didn't want to say sorry." I snapped at him.He started strangle me. I can't breath and I got weaker each second.

People now surrounding us. They just watch and not doing anything. Minutes pass by and I still can't move my body. I don't know how I can survive this long. I try to get him off of me, but he's stronger than me. Then, I saw a black shadow come and start to punch the guy that punch the blonde one. I felt dizzy and everything went dark.

I woke with someone hand on my hand and something soft behind my head. It's someone lap. I freaked out and stand, but I just felt so dizzy and I almost fell. The one who hold my hand stood up and hold me.

He led me to sit and calm down. I breath and try to focus and calming myself. The one that help me have black hair.

"You shouldn't help her, Edmund!" someone yelled. I snapped my head towards the sound.

"Shouldn't? Why? Because everybody call her freak? She's a stranger? Why, Su? Why?"

"She nearly killed Peter! You heard what Peter said!" Edmund glared to that girl Su.

Hope you like it.Vote and comment.

Co writer:Kate-IchiSan(She's really amazing.❤❤)


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