"So that's where our money is going then, huh?" a familiar voice said from behind me and I shivered.

"Hoskins, not today alright-" Owen began as we turned to face him.

"Relax bro, I'm just playing with you. It's been a great day, and although we are enemies, I just wanted to say I really am over the moon about you tying the knot." he said with a genuine smile on his face and I was a little taken aback.

"Seriously?!" I spluttered; Owen's mouth was hanging open in shock.

"Hey, I can be soft when I want to be..." he chuckled, "it's just not very often." he winked, before walking away leaving us both stunned.

We spoke to the last of the guests and the party got started then. We ate our late lunch, ready to have a small barbecue later on in the night and then it was time for the speeches.

I had asked Masrani to make the father of the bride speech months ago and he had agreed, and everyone applauded him as he stood up with a glass of champagne in his hand.

"I have not known Rosie that long, so for that reason I am honoured to be standing up here and making a speech on her father's behalf. I see her as a daughter figure myself, so that is why I accepted to make this speech. I'm going to keep it short as I am aware that a delicious barbecue is going to be started soon." he said, making everyone laugh, "Rosie and Owen are some of the most kindhearted, hardworking people I have ever met, and they are by far the most in love couple I have ever seen. They have a sweet daughter and have successfully built such a lovely life together, and it gives me such an immense feeling of pride to see them sitting there together, man and wife." he gestured towards us, "There's not a lot more that I want to say, other than Rosie, does Owen make raptor noises in bed?" he said and everyone exploded into laughter, even Harper who was sitting in her high chair next to us was giggling away.

After the excitement died down, it was time for the best man's speech, so Barry stood up.

"When I first met Owen I thought... damn I better start working out." he began, causing everyone to laugh again, "But in all seriousness, Owen has always been my best friend, ever since he arrived on his first day and I had to show him around. He's like a brother to me, and I hope he knows I would do anything for him. Therefore, it just makes me overjoyed that he has found such happiness with Rosie here, although I do pity her." he winked as everyone giggled, "When I first met Rosie, I thought, damn, who is this intelligent, hardworking beautiful young woman?! But, I also thought, you know, how long is it going to take Owen to ask her out? After weeks of bickering and Owen moaning about her to me, trying to suppress his feelings, it finally happened, and I just felt relief! Finally, he saw sense and I would get a break from playing agony aunt." everyone chuckled, "It was all ridiculous though, him trying to convince me, and more importantly himself that he wasn't into her, because from the moment he first laid eyes on her, I knew, I just knew, that he was falling head over heels for her, and you know what, I was right! Because now I am probably the happiest man alive, next to the groom of course, as I am now able to sit next to my two best friends who are so... damn.... in love, wearing matching wedding bands. Man, it sure does feel good." everyone erupted into applause at his speech and Owen stood up and gave him a bro-hug, both of them wiping away some tears. I smiled at Barry and squeezed his hand over the table as he sat back down and put his arm around Claire's shoulder.

Owen was the last to make a toast.

"On behalf of me and my new, beautiful wife, I would just like to say thank you so much for coming guys, it truly means so much that you are here to celebrate this momentous day with us. We love each and every one of you, and want you to have a good night, so make sure you all get on the dance floor later and have some drinks. Just a particular thank you to Mr Masrani and my best man Barry for their spectacular speeches this evening, it truly means the world." Owen said, choking up a little at the end.

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