Stephan’s face dropped. “I know that death is hard for you to cope with. Losing your brother is a pain that most people haven’t had to deal with. There are a lot of people here that you can talk to. You should know that.”

I nodded and just looked down.

I needed to change the topic of our conversation. “When’s the last time you fed? You look like a mess.”

I heard him chuckle. “It’s been almost two weeks.”

I sighed and looked at him. It’d be easier to focus on a conversation with Stephan than my feelings about what happened.

“Why haven’t you fed?”

Stephan stood. “I’ve been trying to locate the one who’s hired those rogues. I didn’t find out about their plans until it was too late.”

“What was their plan? To just kidnap me?” I shook my head. “At least if they did that then my brother would still be alive.”

Stephan nodded and walked to the end of my bed. “Your brother died so that they couldn’t get to you. I think that deserves a bit of respect for his actions. He was incredibly brave.”

I shook my head. I could feel the tears welling up, my nose starting to run, my throat burning. “If he just let me go, this wouldn’t be happening. He’d be okay.”

“It goes against every fiber of an alpha to abandon their pack, their family. Your brother chose to fight for you because he didn’t want to see you dead.” Stephan sighed and walked over to my side of the bed. “Your brother did what he did because he loved you.”

I sighed. “I know. I just wish he hadn’t.” I choked out in a sob.

Stephan sighed and took a step back. He’d never been good with too much emotion. “I’ll get Amanda for you.”

I just nodded and fell onto my side. It felt like my heart was broken.

When Amanda came in, I was finishing up my crying bout. She sat down next to me and leaned back on my pillows. “You should know that the baby’s okay.”

I sighed and rested my head on her shoulder. “I hope I have a boy.”

She sighed, “So you can memorialize Connor?”

I nodded. “He’s the reason my baby will be born.”

She nodded and rested her head on mine. “How’s the knee?”


“Brian says it’s not broken. It’s just sprained. It’ll be better in a month or so.”

“That’s a long time for this pain.”

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