Where Am I?

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"Well, I think it all began before I was born, which was pretty a while ago, like even before dinosaurs had stepped on the Earth...."


"This was long before God created Adam and Eve. This was the time, when immortals and creatures of the night lived, such as vampires, werewolves, fairies and basically everyone like that." Ginger uttered, even though I couldn't see him, I could feel him look at me..

"However, such thing as shape shifters weren't created, which was surprising because all of these creatures lived together in harmony. So, it was bound for two creatures of different species to desire for the other, right?" Ginger continued.," And so it did happen.

Their names were erased from the name of history, but most Elders recognise them, for they lived in their time. There is a rule though, Elder's cannot reveal the two people's names, if they did, there will be heavy consequences. Basically, it was forbidden for love between two different species to ever happen, but their was always rule breakers. And Sarah, your parents were one of the first." Ginger paused.

My heart stopped. My parents? How was that possible? I was just born sixteen years ago.

"I see you have questions, but it'll explain itself due time." Ginger shrugged off. "You're parents, they were the kind, fairy and a cleric, they were both destined to be married to two different people, but they met by the miracles of faith. Both of them knew their love was impossible to ever be forgiven but they still kept on loving each other. This did not last long, though. Your mother was pregnant and this meant that both your's and her's life were in danger. This was because, the immortals could sniff out a pregnant women or men, and if they had a peculiar smelling scent, the person carrying the baby and the baby were punished by death.

However your father rescued both of yours fatal end, he had no choice but to isolate you both to an inaccessible dimension, for nine months. That day you were born, all hell broke loose. That was the truth... Your guardian angel, Dementos, appeared and was horrified to see that you were a half breed, you were a shape shifter. Dementos found you by your mother, he described that her lifeless arms were wrapped around you and you both looked as if you were both sleeping, however your mother had died, shortly after giving birth to you.

The gods, high above who were informed by Dementos, were furious. They did not require such something like a half breed, such as you. Their was enough world problems for them to handle. Hearing upon the rumors, the immortals below, all began having half-breeds and the gods were surpassed with anger.

This split the world in half. All the immortals that were always at bay with the rules, were filled with immense hate with the rule breakers, the rule breakers, vice verse. There would be meaningless wars and people were dying everywhere. The gods above, who were sick and tired of dealing with all the wars, decided, all except one, to kill all the half breeds. However that one person that did not accept this to happen, Vermious, decided that he would go behind the backs of all the gods. It was a dirty thing to do, but he was thinking of the parents of the half breeds and how much pain it would cost them.

So he stole all the half breed babies, well some of them, and decided to make all of them reborn, in another place, in another time, some with the memories of their past last life, some with not. All this power drain had caused Vermious to be weak for a while, and then, he perished away, leaving only behind his 'god' ring. All the gods were fuming when they had heard this news, they are still tracking for these half breed babies, till this day, and Vermious's 'god' ring had been destroyed, as a sign to his spirit that he may never return." Ginger finished.

" Wo-o-o-ow. Is there many half-breeds left?" I curiously asked, chirruping.

" Not many, most half breeds are discovered a short while after they are born. It's a miracle that you were born without harm done." Ginger mused to himself.

"Wait, what about the half breed's 'parents'?" a question hit me like a brick wall.

"The gods replace the babies with normal babies, and the 'parents' don't ever notice," Ginger answered.

My breath was taken away and I stopped breathing.

"Whats-whats happening?" I choked, trying to gasp, but I was declined any air.

"Ah, I see your body's trying to wake up." Ginger paused,"Okay, concentrate on my voice, try to delve into it."  

Ginger began speaking a different language, it was so beautiful, the way the words rolled of his, I suspect it's a he, tongue. I could almost feel the words wrap around me like a silken blanket and just hug me.

I never wanted to get rid of this beautiful language that had wrapped around me and accepted me even without judging who I was.

"Open your eyes, Sarah." Struggling to open my glued shut eyes, I finally tore off the thing that kept my eyes together.

My mouth hung open, where was I?

The lake glittered an aubergine blue and sparkled with life, fish began to dive and fall back in water, trees were towering over the lake, as if they didn't want anyone to ever discover it. Bluebells were growing on the rocks and forget-me-not were blossoming near the river.

"Where am I?"  


Whew! It was a hard time for me to create more description, but I suppose it was all worth it. C:

love from ImDahMidgit. xoxoxo

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