The room .

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A man booked into a hotel and the woman behind the counter gave him the key and sayd:"dont go into room 23". He takes his bag and went upstairs.

Bored he cant stop thinking
aboat room 23. He ignores what she said and peeked through the key hole. He saw a woman standing against a white wall. Repeatedly banging her head against the wall.

The next day he desided to look again. This time he saw red. As if they putted a red paper over the key hole. He also heard breathing.

He went to the woman behind the counter and asked why the room is closed. She asked if he had looked through the hole. He replide yes. She sayd:"I might as well tell you the storie. Long ago a couple booked into that room l. A few days later her husbend died in that apartment because of a hart attack. But these arnt ordannary people. They have white skin and red eyes.


scary short storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora