4. Partners & Challenges

Start from the beginning

"Because everyone makes mistakes." Austin whispered. Ally closed her eyes. She couldn't do it. She could not, ever, fall for this little act he had going. He had wanted nothing to do with her up until this very moment. She opened her eyes to see Austin still shooting her and pleading glance. She sighed and ripped her wrist from his hold, sucked in a deep breath, and walked calmly away from the bad boy. Austin stood back, completely dumbfounded. She had said no. More than once. Any girl would love to be at his side by the piano. Begging at the chance to listen to his melodious voice. But no. He just had to go after Ally Dawson. The one girl who seemed to be immune to bad boys.


"So, have you heard Ally sing?" Trish wondered as she and Dez scribbled down stick figures in their art class. She had never really realized this, but they had every class together. Ally had a music right now, and somehow, Trish had gotten roped into art class. But inevitably, so had Dez.

"Not yet. You do realize you two both started talking to me today, don't you?" Dez teased lightly. Trish laughed and continued to butcher the name of stick figures as she attempted to draw a hat on one of them. They had decided to draw pirate comics to upset their teacher. She was apparently very against the word of pirates.

"You have to put a feather on the hat. It makes it more authentic." Dez whispered as the teacher walked by and shushed them. Trish smiled apologetically before going back to her drawing and placing a feather on the pirate hat she had previously drawn.

"Why do seniors need art class? Especially at the end of our senior year." Trish wondered. Dez shrugged and flipped the page over. He began to draw the set to a movie he had yet to film. He and Austin had planned on making his movie together, but that was never going to happen.

"What are you drawing now?" Trish whispered. Dez smiled and turned to her excitedly.

"It's the set to a movie I wrote. It's called CLAWS, Dun Dun Dun!" Dez exclaimed before he went back to his drawing. Trish laughed quietly and looked up at the clock.

"Only five more minutes." She mumbled and she leaned over and rested her chin against the cool desk. Dez smiled and patted her on the head.

"I wonder what Ally's doing right now." Dez wondered aloud. Trish shrugged and sat up as she saw the teacher motioning for them to pick up the things.

"We'll find out in a couple minutes. We only have one class left." Trish answered. The pair stood up and slowly walked to wait with the rest of the class by the door.

"I've always hated science." Dez pointed out. Trish laughed as the bell rang. The students filed out of the art room and out into the campus. Trish took a breath of fresh air as they walked along side each other to the science building. Dez looked to his left and caught sight of Ally coming their way.

"Hey, Ally." Dez greeted. She smiled slightly before walking over to Trish's side.

"You guys have to help me." Ally begged. Trish frowned as Dez stopped and pulled the two girls along with him to stand against the brick wall outside of their classroom.

"With what?" Trish asked. Ally sighed as she prepared to explain her third encounter with the infamous Austin Moon.

"Austin... Wants me to write songs for him." Ally replied.

"What? But he just started talking to you, like... An hour ago." Trish said. Ally nodded.

"I know right! He's suck a jerk." Ally rambled. Dez laughed.

"Why does he want you to be his music partner?" Trish asked. Ally shrugged.


"Because other girls would call me a jerk to my face. Everything about you just seems so... Different." Austin whispered against Ally's neck. Ally jumped away as Austin caught her by her hips and turned her to face him.

"Austin!" Ally hissed as he pulled her closer.

"What?" He asked innocently. Ally rolled her eyes and slapped his arm repeatedly, trying to get away from him.

"Let me go." Ally whined. Austin laughed and wrapped his arms tighter around her waist.

"Why would I ever-"

"She said. Let. Go." Dez interrupted. Ally's eyes went wide as Austin dropped his hands to his side and looked over to Dez.

"And who's going to stop me?" Austin challenged.

"Me, and you don't stand a chance."


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