2: Soul staring eyes

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Entry 2 December 1st 2016 3:44pm

Hi there diary it's me again Keatyn. So Adien talked to me well not really talked to me but he sent me a note in class and we have a friend date later. I'm so nervous I don't want anything to happen because I love Luke and I'm happy with him. Adien though when he touches me it scares me it's electric and familiar and I dont understand why. His eyes stare into my soul it seems and it's like he knows all my thoughts and secrets (maybe even things I don't know) which shouldn't be possible if he does but he can't he doesn't know me. I've lived here all my life he just got here there's no way I know him. Then there's that cute little town in England that popped into my head when he touched me ( which was super weird) so no touching touching is weird and bad. I think this will be fun though I hope. To be honest my stomach is doing flips and I'm full of excitement I'm super excited to spend time with Adien outside of school (just as friend so it's okay😝) I hope it will be I'd never purposely betray Luke I'm very loyal but that doesn't mean Adien won't make a move (and I don't know if I could pull away sadly) being a teenage girl sucks sometimes. I haven't told Luke I'm going out with Adien. Luke doesn't get jealous when you've known someone and loved them for as long as we have he trust me and he should (if Adien kissed me I'd be stunned but I'd try to pull away.) I just don't know how to tell him really but I don't think he should find out from anyone else though. He'd get upset. I tell him everything and I have to tell him this I'll call him when I'm done writing here I guess(ughhhhhh😒) My feelings are super messed up Luke is familiar but for some reason when Adien touches me or looks at me I have such a striking feeling of familiarity. When he looks at me that deep longing in his eyes I feel the same longing for him. I can't tell anyone but you this diary no one else would understand all my friends are friends with Luke even my best girlfriends would probably tell him (fake friends joys of being a teenager😒) I really hope this goes well I know I can't have Aiden I know I just I don't know I wish(no I can't wish that bad girl) well it's getting close to time to leave and my phone just dinged so I should make sure I'm ready to go. I'm Keatyn Grace Addison and I'm super confused maybe by my next entry I'll be less confused 😐 I hope! This has been my second diary entry(byeeeeee✌🏻)

I look up from where I am and see my wonderful paint horse Misty. (I'm in the barn I live on a ranch of course I have horses) She nickers and I laugh and put my diary in my bag and get her a sugar cube. I hold out my palm to her and she takes it her soft muzzle nuzzling my hand. I giggle as her tongue wets my hand and pull it away from her. I kiss her and whisper.

"I'll be back Misty I promise I'll take you for a ride if there's enough light left and then brush you how's that sound." She nickers in response. I smile and head to my house. I check my phone and it reads be there in 20 Adien. My heart quickens and I take off running to my house fly up the stairs to my room and change from my school close to jeans and I keep my pinkish orange shirt just change from my skirt ( I despise being girly but I'm "popular" I guess so I have to sometimes) I check my hair and brush out any hair with my fingers grab a jacket and head downstairs.

My breath catches in my throat as I walk down the stairs to see Adien sitting on my couch looking breathtaking as usual. I stop on the stairs close my eyes for a second and almost jump as the words remember float through my head sounding like Aidens heavenly voice. I shake my head I'm going crazy. I push the thoughts of remember to the back of my head and finish going down the stairs.

I smile at Adien and he smiles back.

I smack my hand to my forehead. "Could you give me a second? I forgot to call someone."

"Sure." He says calmly staring into my eyes

I slip into the kitchen and pull out my phone and hit Luke's contact. My heart tries to break out of my chest waiting for him to answer I feel so guilty and I don't know why.

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