Living in a Perfect World...

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Living in a Perfect World...

Living in a perfect world

Is driving me insane,

Everyone else is so happy

and its causing me more pain.

Living in a perfect world,

A smile I hide behind,

Searcing for what they all have

but I can't seem to find.

Living in a perfect world,

I watch the days go by,

I sit and stare in agony

as I live a lie.

Living in a perfect world,

Is not as easy as it seems,

They all have a happy life

and yet I'm only happy in my dreams.

Living in a perfect world,

My worries go unspoken,

I must put on a brave face,

Even if I'm broken.

Living in a perfect world,

I never make a sound,

I just take what life throws at me

Because I don't want to bring them down.

Living in a perfect world,

I put on a great act,

No one will know how I really feel

and I must say that is a fact.

Living in a perfect world,

That aint so perfect now,

I must hush, to keep it perfect

and I know exactly how.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2010 ⏰

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