Walker bait

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Chapter two

A thin pretty looking women and a a kid probley about eh 11 or so, ran up and hugged Rick. They started crying and shit like they were in a damn movie. I don't like tears. The last time I cried was when I saw my best friend, CJ died.

*flashback to about 2 months ago*

"Yoo bitch get yer ugly ass out here"

my best friend yelled looking for me. I laughed to myself 'cause our friendship was based off of calling each other names and beating the piss outa the other one. It's been like that's since we meet when me and CJ were 11.

"Dafuq ye want now asswipe?" I hollered.

"Let's go hunting. We need more meat and I'm sick of sitin around like a piece of shit like you."

"Oh ya? Well guess what ye dumb bitch? I don't wanna. Let's run into town instead try and get some gas too."

CJ stared at me before letting a humph out knowing that was a better plan. "Alright Nicole. That works."

We went into town and got what we needed: canned food, feminine hygiene shit, some cloths, and a small fortune in ammo. " Hell yea!" CJ started yelling. One thing about her she was loud. That was one of the last things she ever said because after that a walker came around and bit her in the neck. Then the tears started flowing.

" Listen here Nicole. Ye hear me? Ye gotta beat this. I know ye can. Don't be a fucking failure. I love ye. Keep goin for the both of us. Don't be a fuckin failure!" with that she took her Glock and shot her self in the head not wanting to become one a walker

"I love ye too."

*present day*

Rick let go of the woman whom I'm assuming is his wife. And looked around. His eyes stopped on another man and started him down "Shane you son of a bitch! Thank God your here!" he said with a big ol' happy smile on his face. Rick went over and hugged him. It wasn't till the I realized Merle wasn't with us. I figured he would come later.

"Hey Guys? this here is Nicole. She's gonna be joining us alright?" T-dog said. An elderly man came over saying "Hi Nicole ,I'm Dale."

"Hiya Dale!"

That went for basically every one else, that same type of greeting. There was Dale,Andrea,Amy,Morales and his family, Carol,Sophia,Ed (who seamed like a dick head) ,Shane, Jackqi,Lori( Ricks wife), Carl (Ricks son), then of course T-dog, and Glen and Rick.

"Where is Daryl?" Glen wondered out loud.

" He is off hunting again." Dale said. "He should be back soon." Just then Carl came running up yelling "WALKER!!!" Me, Rick, Glen, and Dale went running down to see what the hell was happing. Sure enough there was a walker eating into a nice big ol' deer. 'What a shame' I thought. Dale kicked the walker in the head and cut the head off with an axe. "Don't y'all know nothin? Ye gotta get em in the head" I said as I stabbed the bitch in the head.

"Oh shit not my dear! I've been tracking it for miles. Y'all think we could cut around it?" the man assuming to be Daryl said. Damn that man was sexy with his big bicep muscles and his bright blue eye and brown shaggy hair. Ok, snap out of it Nicole! I don't even know this man and I'm ready to get down on my knees for him if ya know what I mean.

Rick stepped forward " Hi Daryl I'm Rick. There was an accident with Merle. I handcuffed him to the rooftop of a building and well. The key was dropped and he was left there. At day break we will go and get him." Daryl stared at him before storming off to his tent.

I walked over to where Carl and Sophia were playing and sat down and played with them. I said to Lori and Carol "Can I take to kids down the river and take em bird shooting ? It's hell a lota fun and y'all can come to!" Lori and Carol nodded and smiled. We took the kids down to the pond by camp. I looked at the kids and moms and said

"ok. We're not gonna use real guns but I have a couple pellet guns. It should kill the bird just fine. Ok so aim for their eye,steady yourself and shoot! Wanna watch me first?" the both nodded. I picked my bird got In a good stance steadied myself and shot. The bird came down and I walked over and shot it again to be sure. I picked it up and bowed. They started clapping and giggling. Then Carl wanted to try and so did Sophia.

To my surprise it only took them a couple shoots to get use to the pellet gun. They each got two decent sized birds. Lori even wanted to try and she got a bird. So we had 6 birds to take back to camp. We got back to camp and handed the birds over to Dale who said " And who shoot theses?" looking at me. "Oh no. I only shot one. These two little hunters and Lori got the rest!" I giggled out. Everyone looked to see what we were talking about and saw the fresh meat and came over and high-fives Carl and Sophia. Even Daryl said "Good job"

A little while later we were sitting around the fire eating dinner. I didn't see Daryl and I assumed he was taking a piss. I spoke up and said " where can I sleep tonight?" and Shane said " we don't have any tent or RV openings besides Daryl's tent. So there If that's ok?" I said " yea that's fine." After dinner I helped cleaning up and wrap up the left overs.

After dinner I went over to the tent I'm sharing with Daryl and put my shit down. He looked up and said "What the hell are ye doin?" I guessed no one told him we were roomies now.

" I'm movin in with ye. Sorry but no other tent openings. I'll stay outta ye way though." He just nodded. With that I started to take my shirt off leaving me in my bra and pants for a second when he said " Now what are ye doin?" when I looked him up and down and said " oh hush up. It's not like I'm naked! and don't pretend like you don't like what you see" Daryl stared laughing his ass off and I did too.

I usually slept with just my bra and short shorts and I wasn't gonna change that habit now. I laid down on the opposite side of the tent that Daryl was on. When he said " hey dumbass there ain't no sleeping bag over there or pillows. Come over here I won't bite ye." I chuckled and nodded and went over there next to him and he said "Damn you smell good!" I again. Laughed and said "Yea? I took a bath In a lake before I found Rick and stuff. I found a really good smelling body wash and perfume." To that he nodded and continued to lay there smelling me.

I started rubbing my right shoulder. I hurts every now and then from an incident almost 5 years ago when I fell down the steps. I guess Daryl noticed and said " Ye ok?" I nodded and said "My shoulder hurts. That's all." he then told me to sit up and I did. To my surprise he sat up and started given me a shoulder message. My God it felt like a piece of heaven in this hell. I let out a moan and he started chuckling. When he stops I laid back down and fell asleep.


Is this chapters length ok? Should it be longer, shorter? I'm not going to follow the episodes to a point. The general guide lines yea but Ima do my own thing. Thanks for reading!!!! -Cj

Walker bait. (Daryl Dixon love story)Where stories live. Discover now