Meeting and Offer

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Bree's POV

It has been a few days since I saw Seth. Well I saw the wolf version of him. I never got a chance to actual see his human form but I have a clear picture based off how Bella describes them. They typically have russet skin, black hair, dark eyes, and pretty much overly big for their age due to the wolf gene along with a tattoo on their forearm that appears to be two wolves to make the face of one.

I sat in my new room, which was formerly the Cullen’s guest room. Esme, the mother of the family, had the small room painted in light sandy brown color. Ironically, it was the color of Seth’s wolf form, not I don’t mind. I stare outside from my window. I have been doing this since for a very long time. Why? I honestly don’t know except that well I can’t stop thinking about him.

I would think about Seth but then my mind would shift to the memory of Diego. I felt depressed. Can vampires get depressed? I really don’t think that matters because it’s true. Suddenly I felt very lonely. During the time I live with the Cullens so far, I couldn’t help but to feel envy when I see Emmett and Rosalie together or the way Edward looks at Bella.

“Bree,” calls Edward from my door. I slowly turned to look at him. He stood there unmoving like a statue glued to my doorway. “You should go out.”

“I have to stay inside.” I mumbled. Since I was a newborn, the blonde male Jasper said that I should be in isolation because based on what I heard from him and his experiences with vampire armies, newborns are uncontrollable and filled with bloodlust.

Edward studies my expression. “You have shown great self-control. Even Jasper is surprised.”

I frown at Edward. “Jasper is not.”

“I give you my word.” Said Edward. “Besides you spend way too much time in your room. Alice is thinking of taking you to the mall.”

Me? With Alice? At the mall? I stare at Edward.

“I told her that don’t go overboard with the clothes,” said Edward. “I would prefer if you was with Bella…”

Don’t go overboard with the clothes? Alice is dangerous when it comes to fashion. I mean the girl has no limits. She uses Bella or me as her experiments. But unlike Bella, my strength matches up to Alice’s, which means she really has to fight to get what she wants from me.

Edward chuckles. “I admit you’re a challenge to Alice. Bella would kill to have your strength….”

I roll my eyes at Edward. “You should ease up on the mind reading. I would like the privacy of mind.”

Edward chuckles again. “I’m sorry Bree.” Alice’s head pops up from behind Edward’s shoulders, hyper and determined.

‘Oh crap.’ I thought as Alice flew in and dragged me out of the room.


I should have known Alice would drive all the way to Seattle. Freaking Seattle! I wanted to strangle her. I never wanted to set a foot in Seattle ever again. Too many painful memories. This is where my life as a mortal ended and my immortal one began. Where I lost Diego. Diego. I am starting to feel sad again.

We went into the Pacific Place. Alice was dragging me from store to store with hours of trying on clothes and staring in the mirror with Alice shaking her head or signing in envy.

Alice had spent over $200.00 on outfits, jewelry, and shoes. I was relived when we were about to leave but my eye caught attention of a ‘Borders’ bookstore. I stop in my tracks.

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