Falling for the bad boy

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Brittneys P.O.V

I woke up hearing my mom whispering in my ear time to get up time to get up.I got tired of it and grabbed my pillow and hit her in the head with it IM UP OKKKKK!!!! i yelled in her ear. OWWWWW Brittney said my mom! Pay backs a...... before i could finish my mom smacked her hand over my mouth NO false language young lady said my mom. Ok mom get out so i can get dressed. Oh hun we are gonna have new neighbors today their son needs a ride to school mind taking him she asked?Ok how old is he i asked? 17 my mom said.Great i can my motorcycle i said! Be careful though i don't wanna kill the new neighbor already she said. Ok mom i said to her as she was walking out my door. I picked out a pair of black skinny jeans,a grey tank top,a hot pink shirt that says rebel witch is see through and a little tight on the sides.To top it off i added my black leather jacket and my black Jordan's.As I curled my hair I listened to 23 by Miley cyrus.I did a dark smokey eye and a little lip gloss and i grabbed my black bag.I ran down the stairs grabbing my phone and said by and out the door.I knocked on the neighbors door and a lady my moms age answered.Why hello you must be Brittney let me get Jordan she said hi my name is Amy Thomas she said. JORDAN YOUR RIDE IS HERE Amy yelled! Then i saw him all in leather I think I'm gonna like being his neighbor!(Hey guy how ya doing well im only 12 so if i mistakes on spelling let me know ok give advice too! the more comments and votes faster i update.It always puts a smile on my face when i get votes and comments so i know i have other stories i just wanna do this one cuz well i thought it'll be more interesting so i do update like every day so if i miss a day don't get worried i'll update that next day hope i get comments and votes 😉 bye)

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