The Elderscrolls (a Nord tale)

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I'm just a simple Nord girl and I work at an Inn, just that night I had been tiding up for the night and just about to go to bed, when a big Orc came into my Inn. I always would lock the doors for the night and windows because it was a slow night. ‘Hey orc how did you get inside I had just locked up for the night?" “Well my lady you forgot the back door and I got in". ‘I would like to have something to eat and maybe have a room said the orc." “I just put all the food away can't you wait till morning, and we have a room available upstairs if you like." “Alright my lady, I’ll just take my things and go on up night." It becomes morning and Freya is making breakfast for her guests. The orc comes downstairs and seems a bit hungry and asks "Hey Nord, what do you have to eat." “First of all, you can call me Freya and we have smoked salmon for breakfast."         Once the orc and Freya start having a conversation, a bunch of drunken Nords come rumbling into the inn. One of the Nord said “Women give us men some wine." The orc seems a bit mad and says" you can't treat a fine lady like Freya like that, first you have to ask her nicely." “Oh yeah I know you punk I remember you when we were little ones, said one of the Nords." I had no clue what the orc and the Nords were fighting about but I kind of wanted to stay out of it. “I remember you were that big green monster like always, you gross Orc." “Oh yeah want to say that again you Nord said Orc." “Sure says the Nord, your that big green ugly monster like always."  The Orc slices off the Nord head and threatens the others. I had to break up the fight and thank the Orc for sticking up for me it was very kind. ‘Hey orc, you never told me your name what is it?" “My name is Orsimer, and he bent down on his knees and pulled out the amulet of Mara." I got excited when he asked me to marry him and I never saw someone that kind or gentle like him before, so I had to say yes!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2012 ⏰

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