Knight VS Raven

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(Jameel) Raven huh I should have guessed you'd pick that name but why Nico why would you go evil

(Nico) Shut up already Mr high and mighty you think you know me you never knew me

(Jameel) I've had enough of this let's let our swords do the talking

(Nico) I been waiting for this moment where I finally get rid of you Crimson Devil

(Jameel) Never call me by That NAME!

(N) Charging at each other swinging there swords colliding with each other creating shockwaves every time there swords hit each other

(Nico) You can't even touch me if you want to kill me you gotta do a lot better then that

(Jameel) I'm not trying to kill you just knock some sense into that thick skull of yours

(Nico) Well your doing a bad job at it

(N) Jameel let out a barrage of flame slashes at Nico but missed every slash

(Nico) Don't forget I was the brains of the squad I know your every move

(Jameel) Oh we'll see what you think of this
*Throwing his sword*

(Nico) Really *Block* Was that best you got

(N) When nico look up Jameel knee was already in his nose with a barrage of punches in his stomach making him cough up blood and a kick to push him back

(Nico) Cough cough cough shit when did he get so fast

(Jameel) *picks up his sword* looks like you don't know me that well either now does it

(Nico) You caught me slipping once that won't happen again

(Purple Heart ) We have to stop this there friends they shouldn't be fighting

(Black heart) We can't worry about that we have to protect the civilians first Jameel can handle Nico I believe in him

(Green heart ) Noire is right Neptune

(Purple Heart) But we

(Green heart) Even if we did help we would just be in his way I seen his power up close I know he can do this without us

(Purple Heart) Okay fine

(N) The goddesses went to see if anyone was hurt or in danger while they put out the fires in the buildings

(Arfoire) Yes burn scream louder much louder I want you all to beg for mercy Hahahahah!

(Purple Heart) It's Arfoire but I thought we finish you off last time

(Arfoire) Yeah I bet you did but it would have to take more then that to truly defeat me

(Black heart) Why are you here and you better give me the right answer

(Arfoire) I only did what nico wanted

(Black heart) It was you

(Purple Heart) You did that to him

(Arfoire) He wanted power so I gave him power so much that no body can beat him not even his former friend look for yourself the knight is already losing

(Black heart) What !

(N) Nico had Jameel pin down to the ground with his sword stabbed in Jameel hand and repeatedly punching him in the face till he spits out blood. Nico takes his sword out of Jameel hand and stomps on his ribs multiple times till Jameel cough up a lot of blood he was in so much pain

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