August 17, 1963

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August 17, 1963

The bus came to a stop and the driver informed me that this was the last stop provided by the bussing company. I nodded patiently, grabbing my only belonging, the duffel bag.

I stepped off the bus, immediately feeling a rush of cold air. A shiver ran down my spine as I continued down the unfamiliar path, hoping to find a shelter for the night. But to my luck, at close to one in the morning, the streets remained deserted. Not a soul in sight.

I finally came to a bench and decided to sit down, my legs beginning to ache from my continuous walking. As I sat down, I noticed a dark figure turning the corner from across the street. I wasn't sure if I should be scared or thankful for a discovery of someone in this vacant town. I almost thought that this was a ghost town, but walking past window shops, I was proved otherwise.

The man began to quicken his pace, feeling the need to rush to wherever he was destined to go. But I needed help and he was the only person in sight.

I got up, leaving my bag on the bench as I crossed the street, calling for the man's attention. He turned to me with his eyes wide.

"Sir! Would you mind telling me where it is I am?"

"Oxford, love. Why are you out so late? I suspect a beauty like you should be getting her rest."

"Well it's none if your business why I am here. Anyways, do you know of a place I could stay the night at?"

"I know a place."

"Really? What's the name?!"

"Can't say."

"Why not?"

"Simple. You wouldn't tell me why you are here."

"Because you don't need to know."

"Well, then I guess you don't need a place to stay then."

He began to walk off, heading in the direction he was before I interrupted him.


He turned around, a smile on his face. He must have known I would call his name. I couldn't help it though. I needed a place to stay and he knew where the place was. So I proceeded towards him, displeased with his rude attitude.

"I ran away from home. My parents were to marry me to a wealthy snob and I hated him with a passion. I did what I should've done the moment I spoke to that wretched beast, ran away. I've been on a bus all night and ended up here, with no clue of where I was exactly."

"Well aren't you a little rebel!" He exclaimed, sarcasm filling his voice.

"Can you just tell me where this place is that I could stay at?"

"Sure love. Follow me."

He began to walk fast again, but I had to stop him to go retrieve my bag from the other side of the street. Once retrieved, he continued his fast pace, maneuvering through dark alleyways to bright streets.

"I never did catch your name." He spoke to me, giving me a quirky smile.

"Elizabeth Cooper. And you?"

"Harry Styles. But everyone formally knows me as Edward."

"Well Harry, why are you out so late?"

"Same as you. Except I have a place to stay at."

"Is that where you are taking me?"

"Does that bother you?"

"No, not at all. I just need a place to stay for the night. I will figure out something for tomorrow. Thank you though. You're very kind."

"No problem, love."

He led me into another dark alleyway but this time we came to an abrupt stop. Harry began to feel along to wall before he found a latch, pulling it down to reveal a small corridor.

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