Chapter 1~ Whole New World

Start from the beginning


"Ouch," I groan as my body hits the carpet floor. I must have rolled out of bed and onto the floor. I untangle myself from the quilt I wrapped around my body last night before standing up. My neck is sore and so is my back, I must have slept on them wrong.

I check my phone to look at the time. 1:37 P.M.?! I can't believe I slept that long!

I stretch my arms out and look around my small room. My small room. I am going to be living here for the whole summer. Ugh.

I walk out of my room and into the kitchen. Aunt Rosie is sitting at the table with a Vouge magazine in hand.

"Good morning," I yawn while opening the fridge to look for food.

"Good afternoon," she chuckles while taking a sip of some nasty looking herbal tea shit.

I am a coffee girl. I'm pretty sure all New Yorkers are coffee people.

I smile at her and pull out an organic bagel with organic cream cheese and a banana.

"Do you own anything that isn't organic?" I joke around with her as I put my bagel in the toaster.

"The organic food store is only a few blocks away from my house, so it saves gas. I can walk there or ride a bike. All L.A. folk eat organic food, or at least most of them," she explains while flipping her magazine page.

"Ah, I see," I respond. I spread the cream cheese across my bagel before sitting down at the table.

"Do you want some organic tea, dear?" she laughs and over pronunciates the word 'organic'.

"Uh, I'll try it. Thanks," I say while peeling my banana.

She pours a cup and sets it in front of me before sitting down and reading her magazine again.

"Is my mom still asleep?" I ask while stirring my tea. It looks and smells disgusting.

"Yep. I didn't want to wake either of you because I know you both had a long day yesterday, and your mom stayed up late unpacking. Don't ask me why she wanted to last night," she smiles generously while sipping her tea.

"Thanks," I smile back, "We needed it."

I take my cup of herbal shit tea and take a sip.

This is the most foul thing I have ever tasted.

I nearly gag and spit it back into the cup. Aunt Rosie is laughing the entire time.

"How do you even drink that?" I laugh while biting into my banana to wash out the flavor.

"I like it. I knew you wouldn't," she says while continuing her laughing outburst.

"It tastes like something a cow would drink. Liquid grass," I chuckle and finish off my bagel.

"What are you doing today?" she asks me while setting her magazine down and dumping my cup of shit down the sink.

"Going into town to buy coffee," I joke with her.

"Well, I have an... Appointment with a customer at 2:30, so I better get going," she says. It is pretty early to call a hooker.... I hug her goodbye and she walks out the door.

I jump into the shower and wash my hair until it smells amazing. I get out if the shower and put on high waisted bleached short shorts, a flowy coral crop top, and my black vans. I really need to tan, I look like an albino compared to the other California girls.

I put on a little make-up and brush through my hair before heading out the door.

I grab my Aunt's mint green street bike and ring the bell trill. I love cruiser bikes with little baskets and bells.

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