Cat: flight soon! 5:00. 20 more minutes until I leave LA.

Joey: My flight's in 2 days! =( don't leave me!

Cat: <3 love you. I'll keep you company for 20 minutes via text.

Joey: <3 yay! Can't wait to go to Boston to see my family again, but sad I'll have to leave u

Cat: don't worry about it. We can always skype, but I'm sad I won't get to see your face in person for a whole week!

Joey: me too, girl

We never stopped texting until my plane arrived, and it was time for me to depart.

Cat: Looks like my plane just arrived. I'll text you first thing when I settle down with the fam, love you. <3 have fun in Boston!

Joey: Aww =( ill try my best to have fun even though you won't be there <3 have fun too Kit cat! I love you more.



It was only the day after, and I already miss her. To get my mind off things, I decided to play some Hungercraft with Stacy.

"Joey, come follow me quick!" Stacy yelled through Skype, running back from the cornucopia.

"I'm right behind you, don't stop running," I said. "I got some good stuff."

We played for about 15 minutes, then I got a text.

Sawyer: Can I date Cat? I like her.

"What the fuck," I said out loud, not meaning to.

"Joey! I'm gonna have to bleep that out now!!" Stacy said. I was silent.

"Wait, what's wrong?" she said with concern in her voice.

"Um, nothing, hold on," I said, texting him back.

Joey: excuse me?

Sawyer: you heard me. Cat is hot. Let me date her too.

"Joey, something's up, and you better tell me," Stacy said.

"Hold on, Stacy, I'll tell you after this game," I said.

"I'm gonna have to cut out a long part of this video," she mumbled and sighed. I glanced at the screen and saw her running around in circles.

Joey: No. I don't believe this. I don't know what to tell you except you should have some respect.

Sawyer: respect, you say? Well if you want respect you certainly aren't getting it, considering the fact she tried to kiss me while you were on the Amazing Race again

"What the hell," I blurted out loud again. Stacy replied with a 'what?'.

Joey: that isn't true. stop making things up if you don't want to lose a roommate, and a friend.

Sawyer: I don't really care if you believe me or not. But it happened, so i don't know if she brainwashed you or something or if she's been so "innocent" to you in your whole relationship. I'm just trying to help you out here.

I was furious at this point.

Joey: help me?? By trying to steal my girlfriend, is that supposed to help me? And help me for what?

Sawyer: I'm trying to help you from getting hurt. And well yeah since I expected you wouldn't want to be with her anymore and she likes me.

Joey: the only one who is actually hurting me is you. so you can stop doing what you call 'protecting' and be a better friend.

Joey graceffa + catrific Jatrific FanficWhere stories live. Discover now