Chapter 2

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Time Skip- One year and 7 months.
"Hey babe," I said hugging my amazing boyfriend.
"Hey baby," said my boyfriend, Jack.

I bet you are wondering what the heck is going on. Basically, after I talked to Freddy, Zack and Lawrence my friends stop talking to me. I decided to accept to the private school in Maine (leaving at the end of that week). The private school is like a college they provide dorms, shops and free food. When I left I didn't say goodbye to anyone just my parents. When I got to my dorm I met my two roomates Emily and Jasmine. Emily has pale skin, raven black hair and wears dark clothes and makeup, she is basically a fashionista. Jasmine has light brown hair, tan skin tone, wears a lot of crop tops and shorts, she is basically a party girl.

We are all very different, but together we are the most amazing group of friends. What else? Oh yeah the first day of music class I met my boyfriend Jack. Jack saw me playing my clarinet. Hey told about how he knew how to play the piano, guitar, bass, drums, violin and knew to sing. He told about him wanting to start a band. I of course told him about me being in a band. He asked me if I wanted to start a band with him and he would teach me to play the instruments he played.

During our 7th grade Jack taught me to play the bass, since I knew how to play guitar. When we I had learned to play bass that year we tried looking for band members. Jasmine became our pianist. Jack played lead guitarist. Jack's best friend Tyler played the drums. And Emily played as guitarist as well. All we need was a singer, which was me. You may be wondering 'But Summer you can't sing' turns you are wrong.

I had actually lied. I only pretend to sing to get Freddy to notice me by sing horrible. Bad plan? I know. Either way I can sing and we started a band called "The Summer Nights". We started playing covers on YouTube, then played gigs in restuarants. Then we started writing original songs sent them to music producers to get a record deal. By the third quarter of the 8th grade we got a record deal.

Now we are slowly growing in fame. This year has been amazing althought at times I still miss my friends. I think of the person I used to be. Now I wear dark makeup, crop tops and jeans. Even though I go through their Instagram I still wonder what is going on in their lives and do they miss me.

"Babe I talked to Joe today. He got us a gig in Austin, Texas to perform at an annual event," said Jack.
Oh no!
"Uh . . . that is great," I said through my teeth.
"I know right," he said excited hugging me. I hug him.
"So when are we going,"I asked.
"Right after summer vacation,"he said.
"What?! Tomorrow," I asked.
"Yup," he said. "Well I should go pack,".
"Okay bye," I said kissing him on the cheeck.
I throw myself on my bed.
"What's wrong Sum," asked Emily.
"Tomorrow we are going to Texas," I told Emily.
"So what," asked Jasmine coming out of the bathroom.
"What if I see them," I said referring to my old friends.
"Well you walk in there with your head held high and be the rockin' Summer we know-
"And love," added Emily.
"Thank you guys. Also you two better not leave my side," I said hugging them. We all started giggling.
"Well we should pack up for tomorrow," said Emily.
"Yeah your right," I said. Jasmine put on some music and started dancing while packing.
I looked at Emily she was cracking up later on we are all dancing, and singing while packing. By the time we were done we were sweating and tired. We went to the school showers and did our nightly routines. As I layed in bed I could not stop thinking about that week.

Okay so hopefully I didn't confusing anyone, but this chapter is basically a summer of Summer's life during 7th grade and 8th grade.
Qustion of the day: What is your favorite song (might add it to the next chapter)?

Acceptance: Summer And Freddy Where stories live. Discover now