Pitch Perfect - Chapter Two: The Bandwagon

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I forgot to take the bus to school today.

A simple mistake, but I'm not one for walking in the middle of August when it's hot as hell outside, STILL. So I just started walking down the sidewalk, Yari right behind me. I knew Yari never liked Benny's sorry excuse for a high school-er, so I shoo'ed him away earlier. I tried to strike up a conversation. TRIED to... Beads of sweat beginning to form on my forehead, I took a deep, long breath and started talking.

"Heyyy, Yari. How's your parents?"

"Fine...I guess. Have my babies done you any trouble?" I knew he meant Rover, Sunny, and the rest of them. I didn't just wanna hurt his feelings, he's fragile!

I coo'ed, "Nah, they've been the sweetest little things ever, besides Rover nipping my foot almost completely off." That, was partly a lie.

"Good! I'll be sending some more pet food."


"Oh, and Terri?"


"Can we have a sleepover?" That made Yari jump up and down like a tiny child playing hopscotch.

"I was thinking....Yeah, and I have big news," Yari always got nervous with my "news", and paused like a dog going happy-pee.

"O-Oh...It's not about your rabbit again, is it?"

"Heavens no, he's fine now."

"Goody!" He grinned widely, showing off his perfectly straight teeth. Though he was probably the other way around, hah!

He skipped away off to his house, and I turned the route to get to Northwood Lane. I got to my apartment, 104, and took the key from my backpack. When I opened the door, I was met by a ferret on a leash and an angry Snowie.

"AAAYEEHH?!" I screamed, as Snowie launched onto my head and sat there. Snowie was the "demon rabbit". It was kinda cute and harmless at first! AT FIRST! I thought it was just a normal, cute, tiny dwarf rabbit. No, it'll bite your hand off if your not careful around here!

I cocked my head to the side at the sight of the ferret. "Oh, Terry, welcome home!" Conny stuttered, "I just took the ferret for the walk, I hope you didn't mind."

"Nah it's fine," I rubbed my cheek in thought. "Do you have any boxes?"

"Why do you need boxes?" I truly didn't know how Conny would react.

"I want to move Yari in."

"What about Benny?"

"He's fine by himselfFFFGH," I mumbled as Snowie somehow got its paw shoved into my mouth.

"I think the rabbit agrees, let's move Benny in, or no Yari!" He placed his hands on his hips in a sassy manner.

"Fine," I groaned. "Thanks for the boxes." I said, mumbling.

You couldn't just argue with Conny! He always wins, it's like he has some sorta' power to flip your mind the other way around. Like that one time he talked his turn out of feeding an angry Rover. Remember, emergency room.

Yari's House:

"Daaaaad," I practically slammed the door into a million pieces, bouncing into the house. "I'm staying at Terri's tonighttt!"

"Okay, go for it." My dad wasn't one to care. I was more of a mama's boy, while the rest of the siblings had all already moved out. They were daddy's boys.

"Honey, do you have all your things packed?"

I opened my mouth to speak, quickly shutting it.

"Your notepad is in your room if you need it, and I'll send some blankets and mattresses-"

"Terry has two bedrooms, a king size in one of them! It's okay!"

"Okay." My mother looked very unsure about this.

I whistled as I packed up my things, well, TRIED to whistle. I rolled the soft, velvet briefcase that was now stuffed with all of my belongings over to Terry's, gripping onto the handle in excitement.

"Hey, where's apartment 104?"

"On the fourth floor." The cashier-lady gave Yari a smile.

Yari bounded over to the elevator, and slammed his hand onto the "4" option. He got kind of motion-sick as the elevator moved up and down constantly. Once the elevator "dinged!", Yari rushed over to Terry's door.

Knock Knock!

Pitch Perfect ---- A Terri x Yari Fanfic ----Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ