(Y/n)'s POV

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The twins are staring in awe at me.
Kaoru,"You're right."
Hikaru,"The first one."
(Y/n),"Really? I don't think so."
Kaoru,"You're the first one! How did you know?!"
(Y/n),"You're hair is parted differently."
Kaoru,"No one ever thought that way."
Hikaru,"The only reason you are here is because we wanted a friend and she stole our money. Was a maid too."
(Y/n),"I want to be your friend!"
Kaoru,"You're my friend!"

Kaoru is very sweet hearted. His brother on the other hand.

Hitachiins' POV
(Y/n),"Bye! See you another time!"

Kaoru,"Why didn't you say bye to our friend?"
Hikaru,"Don't like her."
Mom,"Well you have to play with her. You wouldn't have had to till you two let a maid rob us."
Kaoru,"Mom, where's dad?"
Mom,"Who cares."

Hikaru,"Come on. Let's go play."

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