Terms and Conditions

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This isn't a story, so don't bother voting or anything. This is basically me writing da rules for you to abide by, if you want me to do a cover for you.

Here we go - 

Terms and conditions

- At the moment, I'm mostly taking requests over PM.

- Communication is also over PM, but if you want to see some drafts before the final, or want to send a picture to edit, use email (which will be sent if asked over PM).

- Unless you just want me to edit a picture you have (I always feel like that isn't really my work when that happens), or don't want your picture to be seen by everyone who sees my photobucket, I will be posting your cover to photobucket, and sending you link.

- If you want a super huge masterpiece for a cover, I'm happy to make it for you, but please note that it will take lots of time, and most likely lots of communication. (If I haven't replied to your pending request after two weeks, I might have died, so feel free to give me a nudge, just to check.)

- I know paying people with money over the internet isn't fun, and I know Wattpad probably isn't the best place to ask for it, but if you happen to be so happy with your cover that you want three more, would you please consider a donation? Yes, I get money from my job at McDonalds, but drawing actually takes a lot more time to do, requires a lot more experience, is a lot more expensive to get into, and I really would like it to be my main job. :)

- If you're book is a fan-fiction, or has a celebrity as one of the characters, tell me! I'm not exactly up with all the latest trends, stuck under my rock as I am. Or maybe just avoid fan-fics and celebrities altogether, since it's really hard to depict them just how you want them, without basically stealling a photo.

- I am allowed to change these rules whenever I want, for the sake of my sanity, in most cases. Technically, only the rules that are on here the second you post your request apply to you.

- Please give me credit, or at the very least, don’t claim it as your own.

- Any advice you have about how I’m running this, or about the cover, I welcome it. Just so long as you’re specific, and not just being mean.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2013 ⏰

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