"What are you talking about, Jack?" Tooth said, sounding concerned.

"That voice. You guys heard it right?!" He said frantically, looking around the room.

"No." Bunny said blatantly.

"Do you mean me?" I asked, letting my hopes go a bit higher than I should've.

"Yes." He said, "Who are you?! Where are you?!"

"So...you can hear me?" I asked, standing up.


"But you can't see me?"


"Oh my gosh..." I muttered... "He can hear me."

The other Guardians were looking at Jack very concerned. Except Bunny. He just looked amused.

"Jack can hear me!" I float up a bit, turning and looking at Manny. "Jack can hear me!"

I can see that. He chuckled lightly. I turned and looked back at the Guardians.

"Jack? How can you hear me?"

"I-I don't know..." He stuttered, ignoring the others' questions. I flew down, and stood right in front of him. I've never been close to anyone before, the closest I've ever been to another person was about ten yards. Now, I was three yards away from Jack, and...I was shivering. He must be really cold.

"Woah...even being three yards away from you, I'm freezing."

"Why can't I see you? Why can't anyone else see or hear you?"

"Ever heard of the Laws of the Immortals?" I asked, taking a step back from the walking ice chest.


"Well, the thing about mortal's not believing in immortals, so they don't see them is kind of the same with immortals. No mortal believes in me, and the only immortal that does believe in me is Manny. So no one can see or hear me."

"Oh..." He frowns, looking back to the worried Guardians.

"We'll talk later, Frost. Right now, come up with something to say to them." I say before flying back to my little crook.

"Wait, are you leaving?" He shouts after me.

"No." I snicker. "I can't leave during a Guardian meeting."

"Pshh, I knew that." He said before pulling a poker face.

"Knew what, Jack?"

"Um..." Jack turned his attention to the four Guardians, who all looked thoroughly confused. "Wait, so you guys didn't hear any of that at all?!"

All of them looked at each other and shook their heads. Jack stood there, burrowing his brow in confusion.

"Jack, don't stress it. It doesn't bother me anymore. Just tell them Claire said to not worry about it." I yelled down.

"That's your name?"

"No, Claire is the name of the magical unicorn sitting next to me." I rolled my eyes and twirled my fingures, creating a small whirlwind.

"You have a unicorn?!" He shouted stupidly, with the funniest expression on his face.

"Dude, no!!!" I shouted, "I was being sarcastic, of course Claire is my name!"

"Well I knew that, I was just playing along." he lied, trying to be casual.

Bunny raised his eyebrows, leaning back against the pillar.

"Whoever your chatting with, mate, probably just made you look stupid."

"She did." he mumbled, looking embarrassed.

"Who are you even talking about?" Tooth asked, putting her petite hand on his shoulder.

"Nothing. Claire said not to worry about it."

"Claire?" North repeated, stroking his beard, "You mean the girl of the winds? Ha! She is just a myth." He folded his arms, showing off his naughty and nice tattoos.

"Nobody asked you!" I shouted. Jack almost busted up laughing, but caught himself.

"You're just a myth to some people, you know." Jack rested his chin in the crook of his staff, leaning on the frosty looking thing. His truthful statement earned him a glare from North before he went into Guardian regulations and all that they talk about every meeting. I would listen, but I have this all pretty much memorized. I stood up and flew down, pausing a moment to examine Jack Frost. He travels by winds, so I know him better than the others. I also know that's he's pretty strong when it comes to fighting Pitch, which is good. He frowned and glanced over at my general direction. He didn't hear me, because I didn't make a sound. But he probably knew I was there, because even though he can't see me, he probably knows me very well, me being his main way of travel and all.

He had white hair and big blue eyes, which, I couldn't tell from here, but the iris looked like they had snowflakes in them. I walked closer, now being only an inch away from him, and peered into his eyes. I hate to say it, but they were mesmerizing. His pale lips were pressed into a thin line, as if concentrating on something. His blue hoodie had frost around the neck, which I unconsciously reached out and stroked, expecting it to just be the pattern of the fabric, but the icy cold confirmed it was not. His eyes darted around, and he looked confused. I made the mistake of examining his eyes again, the blueness sucking me in. It took me a moment to realize I was way too close to him, like, I could feel his breath on my face, he was so close. My breath suddenly hitched in my throat, probably making a gasping sound. The noise took him aback, but he tried not to show it, so that the other Guardians would not question him. Luckily for him, the meeting was ending. I backed up, tripping over my own feet, and accidentally ran into North. I fell through him and landed on my back, my head almost hitting the floor. I moaned, pain shooting through my back. I opened my eyes to see the globe room empty, except for Jack walking around trying to figure out where I was.

"Right here." I muttered, sitting up and holding my head.

"What happened?" He asked, sitting down Indian Style almost right in front of me.

"I tripped." My cheeks were probably red from being so close to Jack earlier.


"How can you hear me? That makes no sense." I suddenly blurt.

"I don't know." he shrugs. "What do you do?"

"Like my power? I control the wind." His eyes lit up almost immediately.

"Maybe because we're technically best friends?"


Totally don't feel like a third wheel right now. Manny said, peeking in through the window. I laughed lightly, causing Jack to raise his eyebrows.

I guess I have two friends now.

Jack's Imaginary Friend *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now