The three sat up talking for hours. Hermione then decided to bring up the topic at hand. The weird personality quiz. "So did either of you get that weird quiz with your Hogwarts letter?" She asked and both boys nodded "Yeah we didn't know what it was about though." Harry started. "And the questions were weird. Like why do they want to know what type of person I want to marry." Ron spoke. He looked at Hermione and they smiled at one another. Their relationship had been pretty short lived after their kiss. They tried but she had looked at him as her brother too much that it didn't really feel right for either of them. They also didn't feel it was right with Ron grieving over Fred so much. Hermione just nodded, lots of things going through her head. "You're going to be coming to The Burrow soon right, Mione?" Harry asked. He had been staying there since the war ended and really want his other best friend to join them. He had been enjoying around Ginny the most. Their relationship was just getting better and better. Hermione nodded "Yeah well now we know that we can all got back to Hogwarts then I see no reason why I shouldn't be coming to The Burrow within a few days." She noted, earning smiles from both her friends.

Weeks later, the three friends were boarding the Hogwarts Express at platform nine and three quarters. Also joining them was Ginny, Neville and Luna. The six friends found a compartment rather fast. "I heard they added a whole extra carriage to the train to accommodate all the returning people from last year." Neville explained. Luna nodded "I heard that too." She said in her dreamy voice. The whole journey was filled with talking, eating snacks and just relaxing. Hermione was halfway through telling everyone about how she finally found her parents in Australia when Harry gasped and looked up at the door. The person he was gasping at had walked out but the platinum blonde hair gave it all away. "They let him back in Hogwarts?" Neville asked in shock as he looked in the spot where Draco Malfoy had just been stood.

Draco walked back to where all his friends were sat. After a horrible summer he was finally glad to be somewhere that was Malfoy Manor. Where he would constantly hear his mother's cries. His father had been given the Dementor's kiss in Azkaban a few months previous and the family was still coping with it. Draco and his mother had been saved by none other than Harry Potter himself. Who told the ministry about Draco's mother helping him get away from Voldemort while pretending he was dead. Draco wasn't charged because he was also cleared by Potter who claimed that Draco had given him his wand while the battle was taking place. It wasn't true but Draco was thankful to Harry for that.

As Draco sat down, he nodded to his friends "They are all here. Potter, Weasley and Granger." He reported back to them. He had just been to the bathroom and returned to see the trio of friends in their compartment. Pansy nodded and looked at him "Do you think that people will still see us as the evil ones?" She asked, almost sounding worried before she put her head in her hands "I pretty much said we should have sacrificed Potter." She complained into her hands as Draco wrapped an arm around her. They had dated in the past, but now she was like a sister to him. "I'm sure everything will work out." He spoke with a smile as they slowly started to approach Hogwarts.

The students started to pile into Hogwarts not long after. The school looked as if there had never even been a battle there only months previous. Draco had to admit that the school looked extremely good. He also noticed that there was an extra tower then normal and wondered what it was for.

It was almost as soon as she entered the grounds that Hermione noticed something different. "Guys, another tower has been added to the school." She said, looking up at the school as the other five also looked up and noticed the addition to the school "Maybe they've moved some of the dorms into a tower. Hufflepuff weren't too happy with their Common room." Harry commented as they got off the carriage. All six of them petted the thestral on it's head, an animal that was a cruel reminder to many of the older students of what they had faced.

After dinner ended, (Ron had stuffed the most) Mcgonagall made the usual announcements and then turned to the school and asked for all the seventh years to stay behind as she had a special announcement for them. Hermione, Harry and Ron all exchanged looks of pure confusions, as did many other students that were of age. Once the younger students were gone, Mcgonagall looked down at them all.

Suddenly the minister of magic walked into the Great Hall and addressed the students. Kingsley Shacklebolt stood and watched d the students as they all looked up at him very confused. " Why is the minister of magic here. I thought it was just an announcement." Harry whispered to the others. Hermione looked at the boys " I have a feeling this has something to do with those personality tests we had to do during the summer. " She whispered back to him. Kingsley looked around " As many of you will know, the war brought great loss to the wizarding world. Between killings and crime, our active population has dropped dramatically. We've worked out that we have lost at least 40% of our population either to death or Azkaban. Because of that, we have enacted a new law. A marriage law."

He Here is chapter one of my new story. As you can tell, it's going to be a Dramione story. I've loved the ship for so long and felt like I had to do my own marriage law story. If you enjoyed it please Vote, follow me and comment telling me what you think of the story - Alex xxx

To Marry A Malfoy (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now