"Look, I just want to be friends. Okay?" He said.

I nodded.

"Okay, here put in your number" He tossed me his phone.

I put my hands out to catch it and luckily I did. He didn't have a password and I typed in my number. I handed it back and he gave me my number. He gave me back my phone and I smiled and headed towards the direction I was heading before I was interrupted. I stopped and turned around.

"Thanks for handing me back my phone" I stated.

I turned back around and started running towards my car. I'm going to be interrogated when I get home. I took my keys out of my bag and unlocked my car. I glanced at the time 4:30 I'm doomed.


I parked my car in the front of my house and I noticed that my mum's car wasn't here. I sighed of relief. I got out and locked my car doors. I noticed the garage door open and I stepped closer to see who was there. I saw Robert fixing something up in the shelves. He turned to look out and his eyes landed on mine.

"Hey!" He smiled.

"Hi" I said back.

I was already accustomed to him, but still I wasn't comfortable. It was strange at first, but it slowly developed to something normal. He was no where near a father to me but, I'll take what I can get.

"How come you're home so late?" He asked.

"I-I-I had detention" I told him.

He got down the little stool he was on.

"What did you do? Did finally do something bad?" He laughed.

I laughed along too.

"No, I just didn't give my homework in" I said.

"Of course. Madison can't always be perfect right?" He laughed.

"I guess" I muttered.

"Oh don't worry I won't tell your mom" He smiled.

"Thanks" I smiled back.

He is nice. That's what I like about Robert. I have nothing against him. Maybe just for bringing Mitchell with him but, other than that Robert is really nice and I guess a good stepfather.

I through the garage and opened the door that lead to the kitchen. I sighed and walked until I was going up the stairs. I stopped in my tracks since Mitchell stood in my way. I sighed and moved so I was on the left side of the stairway but he blocked my path again.

"What the hell do you want?" I rolled my eyes.

"How come you're home so late babe?" He questioned.

"Don't call me babe" I said back.

I took the chance to simply move to the left and go up the stairs but he put his arm out so I couldn't pass.

Irritating. That's what he is, irritating.

"Answer me" He said.

"I got detention okay" I rolled my eyes.

"Rolling your eyes too much can't be good" He remarked.

I pushed him back and went up the stairs as fast as I could. One day this asshole is going to get it. I went into my room and locked the door. I threw my bag and floor and sat on my swivel chair. I opened my laptop and looked through some of my assignments.

I started to drift off into my own thoughts. Why would Niall want to be my friend? This type of guy, I wanted to stay away from but I'm surprisingly getting closer.

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