The start

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It's been a week now, since all the adults disappeared, and everyday we are still trying to get out of this retched school, the science geek, Martha has been in the science lab since the whole thing happened and reported to me yesterday saying that we were in a time loop. I still remember how this all happened and how I met everyone here, it was on Sunday 16th February, I went to the cinema with mum to see a new movie out called Shaw's mysteries, for her birthday. It was about half way through the movie when I turned around to ask my mum if I could have a drink but when I turned she wasn't there. Until I looked around and saw I was the only one in the cinema I thought she had just gone to the loo, but everyone was gone. Yes the right thing to do was probably to call the police or get some staff but I ran home passing loads of little children in the street crying asking where there mothers were. I turned into my house and saw my sister wasn't there I was starting to get freaked out. Eventually it started to get dark so I went into my room and fell asleep. The next day was a Monday. A school day. What I did, I got my school uniform on and walked to school forgetting my family was gone I don't know why I went I hate school I would do anything to stop going but it was like it was pulling me, like someone was controlling my body. When I got to the school gates there was something beyond bizarre the school kept disappearing and reappearing every five seconds.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2016 ⏰

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