(2)"Honey, I'm Home !"

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Celine Dion - "I Drove all Night" - Instrumental - YouTube

Wow !  I got home from shopping a little while ago - MADNESS !   Thank God I didn't need too much! I'm all stocked up with groceries. Got a couple extra flashlights, plenty of candles, batteries  and water, wood for my fireplace. The generator is ready if need be. I took a lovely hot shower just in case something goes wacky with the water.  Got my trashy magazines I can snuggle up with; they're so much fun ! A friend has lent me her copies of "Trainwreck" and the new "Ghostbusters." I believe I am all set ! 

I've noticed the snow is really starting to come down. God Bless my next-door-neighbor who keeps my sidewalk and driveway clear! I say another prayer that My Noah is somewhere safe and dry. I think I'll turn on "Dr. Phil" and see what the latest crisis is appearing on his show. He's gotten kinda trashy over the past few years; sometimes, I think I'm watching "Jerry Springer" instead! He's also becoming a real fame whore; trying to get the latest celebrity crisis or airplane crash survivor. Sheesh! I plop down on my couch, pick the remote, and there's Dr. Phil's shiny bald top and his big toothy grin and he's saying to the audience "Today's guest ---"

Knock!  Knock!   Knock!

I get up from the couch, mildly irritated; I was just getting comfortable!  I go to my door, turn on my porch light, and cautiously open the front door. Now, who is that standing on my ----- "OH, MY GOD!!  NOAH !!" I shriek. I knew the good Lord would send My Noah somewhere safe! I fumble with the screen door lock, throw open my door and grab my sexy Renaissance Man,  pull him into my house, throw my arms around him, deliriously happy.

Noah dropped everything he'd been carrying, crushed Susanna in his arms and kissed her as if he was a plant dying of thirst, and she was the life-giving water he needed to survive.  He felt he could not hold her close enough or kiss her deeply enough. He moaned his need for his woman deep in his throat. She answered his moan with one of her own; she needed her man.

I don't know how long we stood there kissing; who cares? All I knew was My Renaissance Man was right in front me, and he wasn't going anywhere, if I could help it !

We finally come up for air;  I get around to closing my front door, locking both screen and front door. I take Noah's coat and hat and hang them on the wooden coat rack. We are Safe and Sound...and ALONE  !!!      YES !!!!!    HOT DAMN !!!

We stand there staring at each other with big, dopey grins; then go in for another kissing session. We're both so excited at this unexpected opportunity to be together; we're giggling like teenagers and My Noah is not one to giggle. 

"What - Where -How?"I try to ask.

"They are all at the Lodge. I told Mom I needed a break from everything and everyone, needed some peace and quiet for my soul." He pauses, looks deep into my eyes. "I told her I needed  you." as he runs his knuckles down my cheek.

" Noah, I've needed you too, so much!! "  I breathe in his ear, "I was so  lonely for you..."     Touched by his loving, simple words, I can feel my eyes start to fill up. I quickly wipe them away. "Jeez, this so exciting - I can't even think straight !"

"I know - me too!" Noah says, laughing, squeezing me tight. His laugh is delightful, so different from his serious self!! Noah's persona in front of the camera is a bit stiff, formal, rather regal. Rarely do you see him laugh or cut up. But with me, it seems all we have to do is look at each other and we start laughing. We "get" each other, instantly. We both seem to have the same sense of humor; rather twisted and cynical, more toward pointing out foibles a'la "National Lampoon" satire. But our humor is never mean or cruel. I get to see a side of Noah that no one ever does.   

Stevie Nicks - Don Henley   -  "Leather and Lace"  -  CD  -  "Belladonna"

(This became another one of Noah's and Susanna's songs)

"Come on, let's sit down and relax." We snuggle together on one of my leather couches. I flick a glance at my Bose Deluxe Stereo System; Dr. Phil goes away and the sultry voice of Stevie Nicks on her "Belladonna" CD playing one of my all-time faves "Leather and Lace" with the incredible Don Henley wafts  through the Bose Wireless Speakers I have mounted all through my  house. I tend to think of Noah and I when I hear this song, especially at this moment. I rest my head on Noah's shoulder, put my arms around him, sigh happily. He tightens his arms around me. He kisses me on the top of my head with a small, longing, moan. Noah's listening to the song, the lyrics. In a voice of wonder he says "I've never heard this song before; it's incredible, it's us."  I smile at him, "Of course it is, babe." and he kisses me.  We are now silent, just listening, but we are  still speaking to each other through our touch, our quiet contentment.

Noah thought to himself, "I don't want move from this spot; it's perfection. I've got the woman I love in my arms..I don't want or need anything else..... Heaven." Noah thought, "I am in Heaven." Her skin was incredibly soft under his touch; it was like stroking warm velvet. He reveled in the scent of her; the warm, deep, spicy smell of her "Twilight  Woods"  body wash and lotion burned into Noah's blood; became a part of him. He was nearly dizzy with lust (in the best possible way) for Susanna.  He just wanted everything to melt away and they were making love in front of the fireplace; to totally know  her, to possess her, to make her his.  He could feel the tension and stress that he'd been under for weeks melt away like snowflakes on a hearth. It was replaced with a warmth and peacefulness he hadn't felt....since the last time he'd held Susanna in his arms, he realized. It had been many, many weeks ago. Too many weeks, Noah decided. When they get back to the bush, he was going to talk to Billy about his workload and his need to see Susanna more often. Billy would fuss and shout about what all needed done; Noah would insist, in a quiet voice, that Susanna was a need for Noah. They were in love; she was essential  to his happiness. They would just have to make adjustments for his workload; his brothers could definitely help out. Noah nodded to himself. Things were going to change once they got back to the bush. 

 The name of this group is Los Lonely Boys, the title of the song is...."Heaven" on their CD  "Los Lonely Boys"

     (The Lead Singer-Guitar player is so freakin' hot!  Reminds me of Bam! LOL!)

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