Unacceptable: Chapter 2

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"Hurry up Sam." While they walked to the library to find out who was that handsome boy at the hallway Sam met his other friends and it was so anoying to Blaine.
After a few minutes he just left the guy and walked alone.
When he fineally get in to the quet room he started to search the yearbooks. He found the last year one and he turned to the last page. And there was the glee club. After a few minutes he realized, that that little weird guy  with brown hair in the middle is Kurt. He changed a lot. He get taller, a new style and...let's just say it. He wasn't a goodloking boy but he started workout and now he was more than handsome. Blaine was really surprised.
"Is this Kurt? Oh my god. He looks so young and a kind of cute."
"Blaine are you here?" Sam ran in to the library.
"Yup.I found the book. You were right. His name is Kurt Hummel and look at here ..."
Sam made a really weird face when he saw the picture.
"This is that tall guy???"
"But....how can it's even possiable??" Sam was loud so the old lady got angry, they left the library.
"Ohm as you see he is one of the hottest guy in here now............................
I want him." Blaine said but he wasn't felt right this time. Yes. He wanted to do things with Kurt and not just talking but he felt something more. Something what made him confused.
"Oh come on. If you think he is that hot, don't you want to date him? At leat TRY to date him??" Sam tried so hard to get Blaine a real boyfriend but he was so hard-set.
"Oh please. When I'm done with him he wants to have JUST sex. I can tell you." *Whats wrong with me? -Blaine thought- I always wanted to hook up with everyone but this Kurt makes me feel weird. I feel wrong when I think of sex and.....oh no. What if I have real feelings. No! Nope. How dare you!!*

"Who was that guy?" Finn asked Kurt during History.
"I have no idea but he was damn hot."  Kurt was totally lost. He had to know who is he and he was so anoyed about that he knew him from somewhere.
"But you looked like you met with and old friend"
"I know. And I know him....or at least I feel like I know him. "
"We should take a look to the yearbook. "
"Nah...I don't know. He seem like a cool guy and you know where am I. "
"Oh come on Kurt. Since you came out to me I watch out to the boys for you. I know some gay guy but you always have some excuse to say no but not now. After class I'll find out for you who is he."
Kurt laughed so the teacher got angry for them.
"Mr. Hummel. So you want to share us what is that funny?"
"Nothing. Sorry." *God. I need to know who is he. He was so hot. That eyes. Wait. I have feelings for him? No way. Hell to the no. It was just a look. You never talked to him. What if he is a serial killer? A serial killer...really Kurt?*
The bell rang so the class was over. Finn gone to the library so Kurt walked to the next class and suddanly ther was he. With all his sexyness. Kurt was lost in him. He's eyes. The letter jacket and not for the and he's ass.
*Oh god there is Kurt.-Blaine thought- Should I start a converstation? That would be weird. What would you say? Hey my name is Blaine let's have sex or watch a movie, your choice...? Or what?! Damn those eyes. Okay. Just go for it. Let's face it. You have a little crush on him......come on Blaine. You can do it. *
During this little self-converstation they stared to each other eyes again. People walked around them but this to guys just looked at the other. 
*Should I smile at least? Oh yas. I should. This is to long time without anything to do.*
So he smiled at Blaine. He knew for sure now that he have to say hello.
Blaine started to walk to Kurt.
*Oh god what is he doing. Is he come to me?!* Kurt got nervous.
There was just three steps more.
*OMGOMG O M F G* This was in both of them heads.
"Ohm. Heeyy. My name is Blaine Anderson. I don't think we met before. You has to be Kurt Hummel." *Oh he should said his name. Stupid.*
"Hi. Yes. Why are you know my name?" *Why are you know my name?! What the hell Kurt?!*
"My friend Sam know somebody at glee club, he told me." *uhh nice....*
"Oh god...." *what?what?what?!?!?!*
"What?" Blaine made a flirty smile.
"Ohm nothing but I guess the only reason why are you here to make fun of me because glee so go for it and leave. I can take it." *Nahh I told Finn.*
"What?! No way. I'm popular not rude. I think you don't know me. I am the one who bullying the bullies.
*God damit. Yes. He is the other gay. The cool one.*
"Oh yes I know. But if you're not here to make fun of me....than why?"
"You said you know me. But you don't know what I want.
"And what you want?" Kurt blushed a bit.

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