Chapter 1: Deserted

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My head hurts so bad as I woke up, I am lying supine on a very uncomfortable bed with rails on the side. I lifted my right arm only to find an intravenous site inside my vein. Indeed, I was certain that I am alive, confined inside the hospital.

I blinked slowly, examining the room where I am. Sun rays pass through the window. Maybe its morning or afternoon I thought. I continued my assessment and found nothing but an empty sofa, a table and a chair. Nobody is there for me. I felt lonely by the thought of being abandoned in times of need. I never felt so alone in my entire life, the fame I am holding as one of the top car racers in the world never made me feel like this.

It is suffocating, unbearable, painful.

I was forcing myself up to be able to sit on the bed when someone knocks on the door and just came in at once without waiting for an answer. A woman, holding a white metal chart entered, looking so surprise.

Suddenly a flashback went through my mind upon seeing her face. She was the person who held my hand and washed away my fears.

She nodded at me and this time her smile is bright with a hint of relief and joy. She walked towards me and stood beside my bed, none of us uttered a word, we just stared at each other for a while.

I have a strong conviction that I am still alive but with this woman beside me, it makes me think otherwise.

I might be in heaven. Possibly.

Her features were so delicate, she has a small face, maybe just a little bit bigger than the palm of my hand, her eyes were deep set sparkling brightly like emeralds. Her petite body is clad with a green scrub suit like what Dr. Meredith Grey wears in Grey's Anatomy--I wonder if she's like her.

Her auburn hair is tied neatly behind her back, and a white cap is pinned on her head.

A nurse.

Finally she decided to speak to me at last. "Good Afternoon Sir, I am Hazel Anderson. I'll be your nurse on duty for the whole duration of your stay here in the hospital. How are you feeling now sir?"

I was about to answer that I am fine but instead I replied, "Are you the woman who held my hand when I was swarmed over by so many people in the ER?"

She placed the metal chart she's holding on the nearby table and squinted her eyes remembering it.

"Yes sir. I was assigned to take care of you since then." She answered softly.

I continued to watch her closely. "And when was that? Yesterday I bet?" I asked curiously.

"That was about two weeks ago sir" she answered with a smile, removing her pen from the pocket of her uniform and starts to write on the metal chart.

I was caught by surprise.

Two weeks? Are you serious?

She continued writing when she noticed that I was struggling myself to sit on the bed. She took a deep breath and left her charting to help me.

"You suffered a lot of blood loss because of internal bleeding caused by the accident. Its good that your body recovered easily, I am happy to see you well. Im a big fan of yours you know." She giggled, propping pillows on my back and adjusting the elevation of my bed.

The sound of her laughter took away the loneliness I felt a while back. With her beside me, its a different feeling. Worry free, just like when I drive at the fastest speed that sometimes making my stomach churn with excitement and delight.

"It's good that you haven't had any serious injury from the head and spine." She added, focusing her gaze in mine with genuine concern.

I nodded, grateful that she's here and I am alive.

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