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The 9-year old boy ran happily across the stretch of green fields filled with tall grass, chased by a black Labrador retriever. The boy ran as fast as he could, gasping for breath as he tried to outrun the dog.

As he reached an opening to a wide, circular meadow, the boy stopped in his tracks and looked back for any sign of the dog. None. His electric blue eyes scanned the meadow-- no sign of the dog.

"I must have lost him," he thought. "He'll find me soon enough."

He decided to rest for a while. before he could even sit down on the always damp earth, a wall of force hit him. Before he realized it, he was covered with fur and drool, a big black something licking all over his face. He tried to get up but he's pinned to the ground by four furry paws.

"Alright, Epselon, stop it," the boy told the figure pinning him to the ground. The figure kept on licking his face.

"Fine, you won, you tagged me," the boy said. The figure released him and the boy got up. He looked at the figure that licked him a moment ago and smiled. Epselon, the boy's pet Labrador, stared back at him with those intelligent brown eyes, panting, its tounge hanging over its mouth.

"You're really good at chasing people, Epselon," the boy said and laughed. As his hand reached down to pat the dog's head, Epselon looked at him straight in the eye as if to say "Now, it's my turn.", barked once. and dashed off to the opposite part of the meadow and disappeared in the tall grass.

The boy just stared in amazement at where his dog disappeared. He suddenly laughed and ran towards the opposite part of the meadow.


After some time, the boy became really worried. He pushed away the grass that blocked his view but he still couldn't find his dog. This is definitely unusual especially fo his dog. Even if Epselon could outrun the boy a thousand fold, the dog always slow down for his master's sake.

"Epselon!!! Come on now, I give up. Just show yourself already!!!" the boy called out. A deafening silence was all that followed.

As he felt his body tiring and giving up, he heard a terrifying, animalistic scream of agony that chilled him down to his bones. The boy immediately ran towards the sound. The sound seems to come from the meadow. As he was about to reach the meadow, he hesitated, fearing of what he might see. Still, he stepped forward. The sight that met him was the most gruesome and horrible sight his eyes had seen. A sight that's so horrible he was sure it would haunt him all his life. He then heard another scream, a scream of pain and grief. Only a few moments later did he realized that it was he who screamed. As he moved towards the horrible sight, with a tear-stricken face, strong hands suddenly wrapped around him and covered his mouth, muffling all his screams. The boy struggled and thrashed and writhed but the hands were like iron clamps keeping him in place. As his vision was turning blurry, he could only think of the horrible image that had just been seared in his mind...then, he quickly drifted away from consciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2012 ⏰

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