My sexy possissive alpha mate.... is my teacher!

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I was jolted awake when I felt something wet drench my clothes. I jumped up and was getting ready to yell at the person who did it, but the words got caught in my throat when I saw it was my mother. She looked very upset and I wondered why.

" What the hell! Crystal, what are you doing?"

I realized that the only clothing that I had on to be drenched was a sports bra and underwear.

I then remember what happened last night


" Come in Crystal, just one more drink"
I decided to take one more drink and go on my merry way to my bed.

What I did not expect was to find my boyfriend of 3 years, kissing on another girl. I begin to take shots after shots of tequila to try to stop the pain. But it didnt work.

I remember Jack trying to apologize saying it was a mistake, me throwing up on him, then passing out

End of Flashback

I laughed as I remember Jack's face as I puked on him. He deserved more than that but I couldn't bear to look at his face.

I realized my mom was still waiting for an explantation

So I told her one,she would believe

"I'm sorry mom it's just I really miss dad and its hard"

And the tears that I cried were real, I did miss my dad. We had a better connection than my mom and

Since my dad had died my mom took on more shifts at work, until she was at work and I barely saw her anymore

This was the first time in weeks that she was actually talking to me, we had texted but it wasn't the same.

I missed my mom.

She didnt say anything for a while, then I realized that she was crying. I went to hug her and she sobbed on my shoulder.

" I need to make some calls, I promise we will spend more time together I love you"

"I love you too mom"

I know my mom missed my dad alot and it was hard for her. See, he was her mate. Yes that makes me and my mom werewolves but my mom has refused to change into her wolf since my dad died. She told that sometimes when she looked into my eyes she sees my dads wolf

I went upstairs to take a shower, when I got out I looked in the mirror. I was an average 17 year old girl.

Long brown hair that went to my bum, it was my pride and joy I hadn't cut it since I was 6. I had my dad's stormy gray-blue eyes.

I had my moms lips which Jack always told me looked so kissable. I was 5'10. I know super tall. I played lots of sports my favorite was volleyball, my body was toned and fit due to the sports, and I had a slight tan from beach volleyball.

I went to get dressed I put on shorts and a tank top. I searched my my sandals through all the clothes and shoes my mom bought me. I think she thought it was like spending time with me. Who knows.

I finally find a pair and skipped downstairs. I didn't need makeup, I felt beautiful without it. When I got downstairs my mom was waiting for me with a smile on her face

" Guess what! were moving I got promoted and we can spend more time together.

Oh Boy

My sexy possessive alpha mate.... is my teacher!Where stories live. Discover now