Sick Day

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I awoke to a headache. This was the second day that I was sick. Headaches,runny nose,red eyes,you name it. My mum left my medical aid card just in case i decided to go to the doctor.'(Insert fave song as ringtone)' filled my ears. I looked to see the callers ID. 'Robbie! How sweet! He's phoning me to check on me' I thought. "Hi love,you okay?" He asked."Robbie I'm fin-" I couldn't finish my sentence because a big sneeze filled my room."Baby I'm o-AACHOO !!!AACHOO!! AA-AA-AACHOO!" I pulled my nose and Robbie said,"Stay put I'm on my way,love.See you soon." Before I could protest he ended the call.

-------*Time skip of 30 minutes bought to you by Robbies love for the reader*------

A loud knock echoed throughout the house. I rushed downstairs, almost tripping over the last few steps. I opened the door and was greeted by a grining Robbie with at least 5 grocery bags."Hello love,sorry I'm late.I decided to do a little shopping for you,love."
He said."Awwwwwwwwww,you do love me!!" I said as Robbie set the bags on the kitchen countertop. Tears were escaping my eyes and I sniffed loudly." Alright,love,time for your medication. We have Adco-dol,Allgerex,Pain killers and Flutex." Robbie said. Robbie gave me all the medication I needed.

We decided to cuddle due to Robbie saying that he will give me his full attention today. We decided to watch Netflix,more specifically,THE ORIGINALS!!! I just love Niklaus...his accent is just amazing.....Robbie gets really jealous of him...but I assured Robbie I love him more than Niklaus.

We cuddled on my long sofa with a warm blanket over us. My head rested against Robbies chest and I giggled hearing the sound of his heartbeat. It was like a soothing balm to my ears..."(Y/N), Are you sleepy love? I see the medication is working its magic hmmm? C'mon love lets go sleep." Robbie carried me bridal style up to my room. He settled me down and then got settled himself and pulled the covers over us. He held me close as he whispered in my ear,"Sweet dreams love."

Sleep overtook me as I cuddled deeper into Robbie,trying to capture some warmth from him.

~~~~'''3rd POV'''~~~~

(Y/N)'s door crept open ever so slightly to steal a glance of the cuddling couple.

"(D/N) !!!! Look!! They're cuddling !! How cute!!" (Y/N)'s mum said as softly as she could.

"(M/N), Ahhh adorable...come now we shouldn't disturb them." Her dad replied.

Meanwhile (Y/N) giggled at her parents' childness and smiled because she had such an amazing boyfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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