The Question

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Yurio P.O.V

        I woke up in the middle of the night, having to go to the bathroom. I went out to the only bathroom I knew which was in the living room. I saw Yuri in a ball under a blanket...... and he was crying? "Oi, Yuri!" I said loudly. He froze and looked out from under the blanket with tears streaming down his face. I froze as it reminded me of myself when I was a child.

       I threw away my tough act (even though I now regret it) and knelt down next to him. "What's wrong Yuri?" I asked him. He crawled back under the blanket. "What are you here for?! To call me fatso and pig?!" He asked while sobbing, the sadness clear in his voice. "No, what's wrong?" I asked him, slight anger in my voice. I can't believe he would think something like that! I'm not always like that..... am I?

      He sniffled and started wiping away his tears. "Nothing," he said, clearly lying, "Now leave me alone." I sighed. "Hey, I actually have a question...... why do you have a razor under your pillow?" I asked bluntly. He froze and looked at me, terror and sadness mixed in his brown eyes. "You can tell me." I said in a calm voice. After all, this is what my grandpa did with me when I got bullied.

     He sighed lightly. "I'm not sure if I can trust you. Viktor doesn't even know about that." Be said and looked down at the ground, tears falling on his hands. "You can trust me." I said. He shook his head no and frowned. I nodded and gave him a hug. He froze for a moment and eventually hugged back. "Can you sleep?" I asked and he shook his head no.

      I smiled and picked up his pillow and blanket. "Come on, you're sleeping in your room" I said. "No, I can't." He said. I took his hand and helped him up. "Too bad". He sighed and walked to his bedroom. I tucked him in and smiled. I stayed with him until he fell asleep. Once I was sure he was completely asleep I kissed his head goodnight. I sighed and grabbed my phone.

     I went outside and started walking towards the skating rink. I can't believe I helped that fatso! .............What's happening to me?

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