"Well okay then... Do you know anything about the Chamber of Secrets?"

"Not really, but in History of Magic the other day, Professor Binns said something about a legend that when the founders of Hogwarts built the castle, Salazar Slytherin built himself a secret chamber somewhere that only an heir of Slytherin could open and the chamber had a monster of some sort in it that only his heir could control. And that Slytherin said that one day his heir would open the chamber, release the monster, and basically kill everyone who isn't a pure-blood."

"Wow, you're like the only person in the school who knows anything about it!" I exclaimed, happy that I finally knew something.

"Uh, well Professor Binns told the whole class yesterday, you were there too," Kat said with an air of slight awkwardness.

"Was I? Eh, probably asleep."

"Well it was funny, Binns was all like "nobody has ever found the secret hidden chamber that Slytherin created to only open itself for his heir so it doesn't exist," and everyone was all like "well duh! Slytherins wouldn't tell anyone where it is!". Ugh, that class is so boring!"

"I feel ya. Wanna prank Binns with me?"

"Of course!" And we forgot all about finding Hermione as we skipped off to find a ghost-trapping vacuum cleaner.


After failing to prank Binns, but still having a superfun time pissing Filch off, we finally found Hermioine – with Ron and Harry – investigating the 'crime scene' where the Chamber of Secrets warning was still shining red on the wall. Filch, however, was absent from his usual post, as Kat and I had pissed him off so much that he was probably sulking in his office.

"I – I don't like spiders," We heard Ron say tensely. There was a massive, dramatic pause.

"DUN DUN DUUUNNNN!" Kat yelled loudly, breaking the tension.

"Sapphire!" Hermione hugged me and I introduced her to Kat.

"So you're scared of spiders?" Hermione sounded like she was stifling a laugh as she turned back to Ron.

"But we use them in potions all the time!" I added.

"I don't mind them dead, I just don't like the way they move," Ron said. Hermione and I giggled Harry just stared incredulously, and Kat looked sympathetic.

"If you have to know, when I was three – Fred turned my teddy bear into a spider," Ron shuddered at the memory.

"Ohmygod that's terrifying!" Kat said.

"You're scared of spiders too?" I asked.

"YES! Those things are hideous!"

"Well there's one on your shoulder,"

"AAAH!" Kat screamed and started to flail her arms about, brushing at her shoulders and squealing like a headless chicken. Everyone else burst out laughing.

"Kidding," I gave a cheeky grin and Kat pouted.

"Not nice!"

"Funny, though."

"Not really," Ron muttered.

"Well then. Oh and by the way, there was a massive puddle of water coming from Myrtles bathroom, you should check that out."


Me and Kat spent the afternoon pranking various teachers and Slytherins, stealing food from the kitchens, talking to Hagrid, and pushing people into the Black Lake. When I got back to the Gryffindor common room that night, Hermione told me that they thought Draco was the heir of Slytherin and that she had come up with a plan to brew some polyjuice potion and pose as Slytherins to get Draco to tell us himself.

"Or I could just ask him and tell you that he actually isn't the heir," I suggested sarcastically.

"He wouldn't tell you though... Would he?" Hermione asked uncertainly.

"I don't know. Maybe," I shrugged,

"But he's more likely to tell me than you – even if you look like Slytherins."

"Well it's worth a shot, But we might as well go ahead with the potion anyway, Harry won't believe anything unless she hears it himself."

"So where're we gonna brew it?"

"Well... We haven't got that far yet."


So, Kat is @songbird112's character and this was the one chapter with her in that I wrote for the contest thing.... Sorry it kinda sucked!!

Can you tell when I'm not in the mood to write? Sorry this chapter was all over the place :L

Okay, firstly, I just wanted to say that I am super sorry that I haven't been updating... I'm just not really in the mood to have to copy down heaps from the book.

I'm going camping for 2 weeks with no wifi or power or like civilisation so I probably won't update for a while... While I'm gone you should check out I Solemnly Swear and Think You Know Me (my other fanfics) if you haven't already ;)

And now I have some questions for the comments...


2) Ideas for future chapters?

3) Ways I could make chapters more interesting?

4) (Random) do you say "appreciated" like "a-preh-see-ated" or "a-preh-she-ated"? Jw.

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