The short Zero

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In the land of the unknown...


A small crack was heard, from not so far away.

Who? Who dares to disturb the mighty peace and quiet of the Unknown?

A small crack appeared on a round circlet of midnight black.

black.... Is it a colour? Or merely a shade of hopelessness?

'Twas not the point to dwell. The circlet had cracked, sending a thunderous sound across the smooth silence.

a small circle rolled out. 

 It did not know then, but it was the birth of the short zero.


  A hollow body, with yet a heart big enough, threatening to swallow the entire universe.  

It looked around, rolling like a maniac...

Its prints were like an indecipherable myth, both intriguing yet strange.

It was destined for greatness, yet it did not know.

Not Now, not Ever.

It stopped, tired from rolling in an endless pattern of swirls.

"Shut up, Narrator."

It said.

It fell asleep.


Silence in the Great Unknown, once again.

All hail the birth of the mighty short zero.


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